Minutes [approved]
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, December 15, 2014 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Roger Fierst, Debbie Fish, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Judy Maki, Carolyn McClary, Sofia McDowell, Jenny Robinson
II. Agenda
III. Minutes for November 17 approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership—J. Maki presented November 30 Treasurer’s report. Five memberships have been received; we now have 62 members. Report accepted.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
R. Fierst: January 8 will be the ICPE meeting in Indy with local affiliates at 10:30 a.m. in Room 156 D at the state capitol building; the state ICPE board meeting will follow at 2 p.m. at Joel Hand’s office. Cathy and D. Fish plan to go and at our last meeting, J. Stake said she could, too. The agenda items will be 1) a presentation from Vic Smith, 2) a presentation from Joel Hand on what we can expect this legislative session, and 3) local affiliates will share how they have approached communication, membership, and programs. C. Fuentes-Rohwer and J. Robinson will draft a document describing activities of past year. Cathy will invite Don Wheeler (Parents Across America in South Bend) to January 8 meeting in Indianapolis.
C. Fuentes-Rohwer spoke with Anne Inness on phone; she is active on FB as Southwest Indiana Votes and Voices.
R. Fierst: State ICPE will need an additional $13,000 to pay lobbyist for coming session. State ICPE has determined priorities: 1) stopping more money being diverted to vouchers, 2) opposing testing (Cathy says they should specify “high stakes” testing), 3) dealing with anticipated proposal for expanding tax credits. Funding is the major issue of every legislative session. Vouchers cost $115 million this school year.
B. Communications and Web Site
R. Fierst: We need a clear message, three to five points long, on behalf of public schools; the way we have the most influence is through the legislature. D. Fish: volunteers to participate on messaging committee. C. Fuentes Rohwer: We have found that people get involved through interest in local issues.
C. Programs
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
R. Fierst: Superintendents of schools from Lafayette, Kokomo, Muncie, and maybe Richmond are going to start attending SBOE meetings.
C. Fuentes-Rohwer: The president of the South Bend school board wrote a long and moving letter about the flaws in the A-F system.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. On February 9, Dr. DeMuth and Tim Thrasher will have a conversation with us about the upcoming referendum. Our February 9 meeting will be held at the MCCSC administration building at 9:30 a.m. for this conversation.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, December 15, 2014 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Roger Fierst, Debbie Fish, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Judy Maki, Carolyn McClary, Sofia McDowell, Jenny Robinson
II. Agenda
III. Minutes for November 17 approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership—J. Maki presented November 30 Treasurer’s report. Five memberships have been received; we now have 62 members. Report accepted.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
R. Fierst: January 8 will be the ICPE meeting in Indy with local affiliates at 10:30 a.m. in Room 156 D at the state capitol building; the state ICPE board meeting will follow at 2 p.m. at Joel Hand’s office. Cathy and D. Fish plan to go and at our last meeting, J. Stake said she could, too. The agenda items will be 1) a presentation from Vic Smith, 2) a presentation from Joel Hand on what we can expect this legislative session, and 3) local affiliates will share how they have approached communication, membership, and programs. C. Fuentes-Rohwer and J. Robinson will draft a document describing activities of past year. Cathy will invite Don Wheeler (Parents Across America in South Bend) to January 8 meeting in Indianapolis.
C. Fuentes-Rohwer spoke with Anne Inness on phone; she is active on FB as Southwest Indiana Votes and Voices.
R. Fierst: State ICPE will need an additional $13,000 to pay lobbyist for coming session. State ICPE has determined priorities: 1) stopping more money being diverted to vouchers, 2) opposing testing (Cathy says they should specify “high stakes” testing), 3) dealing with anticipated proposal for expanding tax credits. Funding is the major issue of every legislative session. Vouchers cost $115 million this school year.
B. Communications and Web Site
R. Fierst: We need a clear message, three to five points long, on behalf of public schools; the way we have the most influence is through the legislature. D. Fish: volunteers to participate on messaging committee. C. Fuentes Rohwer: We have found that people get involved through interest in local issues.
C. Programs
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
R. Fierst: Superintendents of schools from Lafayette, Kokomo, Muncie, and maybe Richmond are going to start attending SBOE meetings.
C. Fuentes-Rohwer: The president of the South Bend school board wrote a long and moving letter about the flaws in the A-F system.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. On February 9, Dr. DeMuth and Tim Thrasher will have a conversation with us about the upcoming referendum. Our February 9 meeting will be held at the MCCSC administration building at 9:30 a.m. for this conversation.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education