Why we need to defend public education
Did you know?
Bills passed by Indiana’s legislature have undermined public education.
Indiana Coalition for Public Education, Monroe County, wants to change this. Schools are not factories to standardize kids for our economy. Schools are places for all children to develop their full potential to participate in a diverse and democratic society. Join us to help fight for public education. To learn more about current events in public education, follow our Facebook page. Dismantling public education is a national effort lead by billionaires.More to come.
Learn more about public schools, charters, vouchersThree-Part History of How Indiana Got Here:
Part I Part 2 Part 3 Six Voucher Myths How Indiana School Voucher System Soared How School Funding Works in Indiana What Are Innovation Schools? Public Schools Are Not Failing What #RedforEd Is About in Indiana Why Charter Schools Are Not Public Schools Why Democracy and Public Education Are Interlaced How to Advocate (dated but still a great guide!) How Do Hoosier Tax Dollars Fund Schools? |