Minutes [approved]
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, February 23, 2015 – 10:45 - 11:30 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Milton Fisk, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Dan Maki, Judy Maki, Sophia McDowell, Deborah Myerson, Jenny Robinson, Joyce Rusch, Bob Shanks, Linda Shanks, Janet Stake, Jennifer Steinbachs, Mike Walsh
II. Agenda
III. Minutes for January 23, 2015, approved. (Did we? I did not write this down, but I think I remember us approving them--JR.)
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership
We voted to authorize $100 toward April showing of Rise Above the Mark.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
B. Communications and Web Site
A suggestion was made that we should link to the state level web site on our home page and ask state ICPE to link to our site and other affiliates on its home page. A cut of Cathy’s speech at the Indy rally was circulated by the Indiana Democratic Party and received 36,000 views. We discussed trying to capitalize on things that take off on social media; also, maybe meeting with Democrats to bring attention to themes that are resonating.
C. Programs
Early literacy program is available on CATS: http://catstv.net/m.php?q=2163
We discussed planning a program on testing in March. D. Myerson: we should be able to opt out of Acuity. What are other school districts in Indiana doing to respond to parents opting children out? J. Steinbachs: consider having a panelist such as a child psychiatrist who can address issue of stress in children…suggests Lia Kettenis, M.D. J. Robinson: could we invite MCCSC special ed director Kathleen Hugo to discuss how testing affects special ed students? S. McDowell: recommends Janet Decker from School of Ed. M. Walsh: recommends an IDOE person. Issues: ongoing changes to test without norm referencing; costs; difficulty showing progress if kids are already high-scoring.
For Healthy Children event in April. How much screen time? Ask for Harrises to help plan?
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
Suggestion: we need letters to editor pointing out how Ubelhor and Mayfield voted on bills to remove Ritz’s authority.
Suggestion: letters about rally pointing out that it was not a teacher rally, contrary to some media reports.
Seven Oaks is submitting a new application for a charter.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. The nominating committee will contact outgoing board members to ask if they would like to continue to serve.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, February 23, 2015 – 10:45 - 11:30 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Milton Fisk, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Dan Maki, Judy Maki, Sophia McDowell, Deborah Myerson, Jenny Robinson, Joyce Rusch, Bob Shanks, Linda Shanks, Janet Stake, Jennifer Steinbachs, Mike Walsh
II. Agenda
III. Minutes for January 23, 2015, approved. (Did we? I did not write this down, but I think I remember us approving them--JR.)
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership
We voted to authorize $100 toward April showing of Rise Above the Mark.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
B. Communications and Web Site
A suggestion was made that we should link to the state level web site on our home page and ask state ICPE to link to our site and other affiliates on its home page. A cut of Cathy’s speech at the Indy rally was circulated by the Indiana Democratic Party and received 36,000 views. We discussed trying to capitalize on things that take off on social media; also, maybe meeting with Democrats to bring attention to themes that are resonating.
C. Programs
Early literacy program is available on CATS: http://catstv.net/m.php?q=2163
We discussed planning a program on testing in March. D. Myerson: we should be able to opt out of Acuity. What are other school districts in Indiana doing to respond to parents opting children out? J. Steinbachs: consider having a panelist such as a child psychiatrist who can address issue of stress in children…suggests Lia Kettenis, M.D. J. Robinson: could we invite MCCSC special ed director Kathleen Hugo to discuss how testing affects special ed students? S. McDowell: recommends Janet Decker from School of Ed. M. Walsh: recommends an IDOE person. Issues: ongoing changes to test without norm referencing; costs; difficulty showing progress if kids are already high-scoring.
For Healthy Children event in April. How much screen time? Ask for Harrises to help plan?
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
Suggestion: we need letters to editor pointing out how Ubelhor and Mayfield voted on bills to remove Ritz’s authority.
Suggestion: letters about rally pointing out that it was not a teacher rally, contrary to some media reports.
Seven Oaks is submitting a new application for a charter.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. The nominating committee will contact outgoing board members to ask if they would like to continue to serve.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education