Minutes [approved]
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, January 26, 2015 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Debbie Fish, Bonnie Fisher, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Craig McDonald, Carolyn McClary, Judy Maki, Deborah Myerson, Jenny Robinson, Joyce Rusch, Janet Stake
II. Agenda—amended to include B. Fisher’s updates under “Political News”
III. Minutes for January 12, 2015, approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership—J. Maki gave annual treasurer’s report with spreadsheet of income, expenses, and in-kind donations. She asked that we turn in receipts for expenses even when we do not wish to be reimbursed.
For city’s Children’s Expo April 12, we voted to approve $65 registration fee and to allocate additional money for materials and some kind of goodie to give out. J. Maki will register ICPE to participate online. C. Fuentes-Rohwer will talk to Tim Pritchett about potential MCCSC participation.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
B. Communications and Web Site
D. Fish suggests looking online at teachindy.com. Superintendents made pro-public education videos. We could link to them if they are freely available.
D. Fish shared a book recommendation, Best Practice by Zimmelman, Daniels, and Hyde.
C. Programs
We discussed planning a program on testing in March and a program on healthy children in April that would address sleep, technology, and screens, among other issues. The community pitched in with MCCSC to revive the healthy schools coordinator position.
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
Bonnie Fisher: Bonnie is president and Carolyn McClary secretary of a newly formed group, the Limestone Retired Educators Association, whose focus is legislation. Membership is composed of retired professionals.
B. Fisher is also the legislative chair of the Alpha chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma and joined Indiana Moral Mondays in September. IMM has six areas of focus, one of which is education. For each focus, there is a smaller working group. B. Fisher is participating in the education group. She has combed through legislation related to education and assessed it according to the IMM criteria of equity, democracy, and fairness. She will e-mail her IMM document. She gave an example of a concern…SB 500 (307 pages) would make public school accreditation optional.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. On February 9, Dr. DeMuth and Tim Thrasher will have a conversation with us about the upcoming referendum. Our February 9 meeting will be held at the MCCSC administration building at 9:30 a.m. for this conversation.
B. The nominating committee will contact outgoing board members to ask if they would like to continue to serve.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, January 26, 2015 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark’s, 100 N. Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes-Rohwer
Debbie Fish, Bonnie Fisher, Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Craig McDonald, Carolyn McClary, Judy Maki, Deborah Myerson, Jenny Robinson, Joyce Rusch, Janet Stake
II. Agenda—amended to include B. Fisher’s updates under “Political News”
III. Minutes for January 12, 2015, approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership—J. Maki gave annual treasurer’s report with spreadsheet of income, expenses, and in-kind donations. She asked that we turn in receipts for expenses even when we do not wish to be reimbursed.
For city’s Children’s Expo April 12, we voted to approve $65 registration fee and to allocate additional money for materials and some kind of goodie to give out. J. Maki will register ICPE to participate online. C. Fuentes-Rohwer will talk to Tim Pritchett about potential MCCSC participation.
V. Other Reports
A. State ICPE Board of Directors
B. Communications and Web Site
D. Fish suggests looking online at teachindy.com. Superintendents made pro-public education videos. We could link to them if they are freely available.
D. Fish shared a book recommendation, Best Practice by Zimmelman, Daniels, and Hyde.
C. Programs
We discussed planning a program on testing in March and a program on healthy children in April that would address sleep, technology, and screens, among other issues. The community pitched in with MCCSC to revive the healthy schools coordinator position.
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
Bonnie Fisher: Bonnie is president and Carolyn McClary secretary of a newly formed group, the Limestone Retired Educators Association, whose focus is legislation. Membership is composed of retired professionals.
B. Fisher is also the legislative chair of the Alpha chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma and joined Indiana Moral Mondays in September. IMM has six areas of focus, one of which is education. For each focus, there is a smaller working group. B. Fisher is participating in the education group. She has combed through legislation related to education and assessed it according to the IMM criteria of equity, democracy, and fairness. She will e-mail her IMM document. She gave an example of a concern…SB 500 (307 pages) would make public school accreditation optional.
F. Farmer’s Market
VII. New Business
A. On February 9, Dr. DeMuth and Tim Thrasher will have a conversation with us about the upcoming referendum. Our February 9 meeting will be held at the MCCSC administration building at 9:30 a.m. for this conversation.
B. The nominating committee will contact outgoing board members to ask if they would like to continue to serve.
VIII. Other
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education