Minutes [approved]
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, May 5, 2014 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes Rohwer
Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Dan Maki, Craig McDonald, Jenny Robinson, Linda Shanks, Bob Shanks
II. Agenda: Amended to add Craig’s update in New Business, approved.
III. Minutes:
A. Business Meeting, April 21, 2014: approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership
D. Maki gave the report for J. Maki. He suggested a memorial fund in honor of Carl Zager; this was approved. J. Robinson gave D. Maki a completed membership form from the Farmers Market. We decided that going forward we will pay St. Mark’s $15/month for our twice-a-month meetings. J. Robinson will pay, get a receipt, and the treasurer will reimburse.
V. Other Reports
A. ICPE Board of Directors:
ICPE lobbyist working with Replace Don’t Erase coalition. L. Shanks: burden will be born by local government and taxpayers. D. Maki: Indiana and South Carolina are the only two states that have not repaid federal loan for unemployment insurance; as a result, taxes are going up for businesses. Suggestion made that D. Maki should contact news media about this issue.
B. Electronic Communications and Web Site
D. Maki: for this cycle, we do not have an IU intern.
J. Robinson will e-mail board with draft of trifold text. Trifold should state that we are affiliated with state level ICPE and give their web site. We should ask them to list our web site and/or Facebook page as a way for people to get involved at their local level.
J. Robinson will send links to NEP “positive agenda” and NEIFPE platform for consideration for possible adoption (not for use on trifold).
C. Programs
1. Community conversation on teacher voices on May 1 was received enthusiastically; 40 or 50 in attendance. B. Shanks strongly recommended including RBB representation in future events.
2. Goal: Bring Rise Above the Mark here in early September. Bloomington High School North would be ideal for showing if MCCSC approves. Perhaps Ed School and Foundation of MCCSC could co-sponsor. Perhaps we could solicit donations specifically to bring this film. Cost: $500?
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
C. Fuentes-Rohwer: Jack Morris is running for state senate in Ft. Wayne. We could host a fundraiser for pro-public education candidates that includes local candidates and Jack.
F. Farmers’ Market
J. Livesay asked for and received approval to get a new sign made for the Farmers’ Market. We also need new membership forms and a new brochure.
VI. New Business
Craig shared his analysis of MCCSC’s ISTEP scores at the April school board meeting. Science scores appear to have declined across the board in the last several years.
VII. Other
Next meeting: May 19, 9:30 a.m, St. Mark's.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education.
Indiana Coalition for Public Education - Monroe County and South Central Indiana
Business Meeting
Monday, May 5, 2014 -- 9:30 - 11:00 am
St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Bloomington
I. Welcome and Introductions -- C. Fuentes Rohwer
Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, Dan Maki, Craig McDonald, Jenny Robinson, Linda Shanks, Bob Shanks
II. Agenda: Amended to add Craig’s update in New Business, approved.
III. Minutes:
A. Business Meeting, April 21, 2014: approved.
IV. Treasurer's Report and Membership
D. Maki gave the report for J. Maki. He suggested a memorial fund in honor of Carl Zager; this was approved. J. Robinson gave D. Maki a completed membership form from the Farmers Market. We decided that going forward we will pay St. Mark’s $15/month for our twice-a-month meetings. J. Robinson will pay, get a receipt, and the treasurer will reimburse.
V. Other Reports
A. ICPE Board of Directors:
ICPE lobbyist working with Replace Don’t Erase coalition. L. Shanks: burden will be born by local government and taxpayers. D. Maki: Indiana and South Carolina are the only two states that have not repaid federal loan for unemployment insurance; as a result, taxes are going up for businesses. Suggestion made that D. Maki should contact news media about this issue.
B. Electronic Communications and Web Site
D. Maki: for this cycle, we do not have an IU intern.
J. Robinson will e-mail board with draft of trifold text. Trifold should state that we are affiliated with state level ICPE and give their web site. We should ask them to list our web site and/or Facebook page as a way for people to get involved at their local level.
J. Robinson will send links to NEP “positive agenda” and NEIFPE platform for consideration for possible adoption (not for use on trifold).
C. Programs
1. Community conversation on teacher voices on May 1 was received enthusiastically; 40 or 50 in attendance. B. Shanks strongly recommended including RBB representation in future events.
2. Goal: Bring Rise Above the Mark here in early September. Bloomington High School North would be ideal for showing if MCCSC approves. Perhaps Ed School and Foundation of MCCSC could co-sponsor. Perhaps we could solicit donations specifically to bring this film. Cost: $500?
D. Action Groups
E. Political News
C. Fuentes-Rohwer: Jack Morris is running for state senate in Ft. Wayne. We could host a fundraiser for pro-public education candidates that includes local candidates and Jack.
F. Farmers’ Market
J. Livesay asked for and received approval to get a new sign made for the Farmers’ Market. We also need new membership forms and a new brochure.
VI. New Business
Craig shared his analysis of MCCSC’s ISTEP scores at the April school board meeting. Science scores appear to have declined across the board in the last several years.
VII. Other
Next meeting: May 19, 9:30 a.m, St. Mark's.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Robinson
We are dedicated to informing, inspiring, and empowering voters
to advocate on behalf of Indiana's children
and their right to a high-quality public education.