Bills That Are of Concern
HB1315 – School corporation financial management. Read more here and here and act here. *Passed out of committee on 3/1. Heads to Senate chamber. SB33 - Houses of worship and firearms. Read more here. *Was not heard this week. SB354 - Freeway School Corporations and Schools. May lead to growth in vouchers. * Passed 2/28. SB387 – Teacher Licensing. Read more here. *Passed out of committee on 2/27. SB65 – Instruction on Human Sexuality. This thankfully has become opt-out instead of opt-in. Thank you to all who reached out to their legislators on the matter. While it's not perfect, it's better than it was. Read more here. *Passed 2/28, has amendments. SR38 - A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign to the appropriate study committee the topic of providing school districts the option of permitting teachers to carry concealed firearms in schools. Introduced on 2/22. Read more here. *SR38 was withdrawn on 2/26. MONDAY Bills to Be Read by the House Ways & Means on February 26 at 10:00 a.m. SB50 – In Committee Workforce development; career and technical education. Establishes the college and career funding review committee (review committee). Requires the review committee to study certain issues and to submit a report to the governor and the legislative council concerning the results of the study. Provides that the governor shall appoint a secretary of workforce training. Provides that if an employer has entered into an agreement with the IEDC for EDGE credits, the IEDC may enter into an additional agreement with the employer to also provide tax credits to individuals who relocate to Indiana to become employed by the employer in a new high demand, unfilled job, if the corporation determines that the jobs are not likely to be filled by current Indiana residents. Provides that the IEDC may enter into an agreement with an employer to provide tax credits to individuals who relocate to Indiana to become employed by the employer in an existing high demand, unfilled job, if the IEDC determines that: (1) the existing high demand, unfilled job has been unfilled for at least 180 days due to a lack of qualified job candidates; and (2) the job is not likely to be filled by current Indiana residents. Specifies that a taxpayer may not claim these credits for more than two taxable years. Provides that the aggregate amount of EDGE credits awarded in a state fiscal year under these provisions and under existing law for projects to retain existing jobs in Indiana may not exceed $10,000,000. Establishes a state income tax credit for expenditures and donations made on behalf of an employee or student to meet the requirements for portable workforce credentials that are required or beneficial for targeted employment identified by the department of workforce development. Applies to taxable years beginning in 2019 through 2021. Requires the board for technical education to identify workforce training programs that are underperforming and request that the budget agency reduce allotments for the programs for the state fiscal year and limits the amount of tax credits in that state fiscal year to the amount the allotments are reduced. Requires the state board of education (state board), when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship program only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Provides that the state board shall establish the real world career readiness program (program) to provide a real world career readiness student with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce. Provides that a real world career readiness student may attend an authorized program for a period of not more than one school year after the student's cohort's expected graduation year in order to obtain an industry recognized certification, credential, or postsecondary degree. Specifies criteria for a student's participation. Provides that not later than July 1, 2019, each school corporation or charter high school, either solely, or in a cooperative or consortia with one or more school corporations or charter high schools, must participate in an authorized program beginning with a cohort with an expected graduation year of 2023. Provides that the secretary of career connections and talent shall with the assistance of the department of workforce development establish and coordinate a career coaching program to: (1) connect employers to local school corporations and schools to create collaborative partnerships that benefit the community; and (2) provide information and support to high school students and their parents to encourage and assist students in successfully enrolling in and completing postsecondary career and technical education or obtaining a high demand job after completing high school. Requires all high schools in Indiana to participate in the program. Provides that the IEDC may award grants from the skills enhancement fund to the department of workforce development to carry out the career coaching program. Establishes the board for technical education (board). Specifies the membership of the board. Provides that the general purposes of the board are the following: (1) Plan for, coordinate, and make recommendations regarding Indiana's system of career and technical education. (2) Review appropriation requests of specified career and technical education providers. (3) Make recommendations to the governor, the budget agency, or the general assembly concerning career and technical education programs. (4) Perform other functions assigned by the governor or the general assembly. Provides that the board shall review the: (1) establishment of any new career and technical education program by a state provider; or (2) the offering of any proposed or existing career and technical education program leading to a certification, credential, or other indication of accomplishment. Requires the board to develop and update a long range plan for career and technical education. Requires the legislative services agency to: (1) conduct a systematic and comprehensive review, analysis, and evaluation of the twenty-first century scholars program and the Frank O'Bannon grant program; and (2) submit a report to the college and career funding review committee and the legislative council before October 1, 2018. Requires the secretary of career connections and talent to schedule, organize, and conduct a summit to assemble state government officials, Indiana employers, trade groups, and officials from Indiana institutions of higher learning to do the following: (1) Identify barriers and disincentives to employment and career advancement in Indiana. (2) Identify multiple training and development pathways for employers and employees. (3) Develop recommendations regarding the enhancement of employment opportunities. SB172 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 19; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/26) Computer science. Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Provides that the state board may approve a local graduation pathway. Establishes the local graduation pathway fund (fund). Provides that the state board may award development grants from the fund for proposed local graduation pathways. SB189 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 22; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/26) K-12 Funding. Provides that the budget agency shall transfer from the state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to offset a reduction in state tuition support if: (1) basic tuition support has been reduced because the amount of choice scholarships exceeds the estimated amount prepared by the legislative services agency and provided to members of the general assembly before May 1 of the most recent odd-numbered year; or (2) basic tuition support has been reduced because the average daily membership (ADM), the special education student count, or the career and technical education student count exceeds the estimated count prepared by the legislative services agency and provided to members of the general assembly before May 1 of the most recent odd-numbered year. (Under current law, the budget agency may make such a transfer if basic tuition support has been reduced because the amount of choice scholarships exceeds the estimated amount.) Provides that the amount of the transfer for a state fiscal year is equal to the lesser of: (1) the amount of reductions in state tuition support that result because the amount of choice scholarships or the pupil counts exceed the estimated amount; or (2) $25,000,000. Bills to Be Read by the House on February 26 at 1:30 p.m. SB33 Second Reading - no action Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. Excludes certain nonexclusive uses of school property from the statutory definition of "school property.” SB135 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Department of child services notifications for schools. Requires the department of child services to notify the individual designated as the point of contact for a child's school if the child is removed from the child's home. Provides immunity from civil liability for: (1) a guardian ad litem program; (2) a court appointed special advocate program; (3) an employee of or volunteer for a guardian ad litem program or court appointed special advocate program; and (4) an individual acting as a contracted guardian ad litem; when a child is placed on a waiting list for guardian ad litem or court appointed special advocate services. Makes conforming amendments. SB217 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Dyslexia. Requires the following: (1) A school multidisciplinary team must include information about dyslexia in a student's educational evaluation if the multidisciplinary team determines that the student is eligible to receive special education and related services and has or has characteristics of dyslexia. (2) Information about dyslexia must be: (A) discussed by the student's case conference committee if information about dyslexia is included in the student's educational evaluation; and (B) included in the student's individualized education program if the case conference committee determines that the information should be included. Provides that a school corporation and charter school's reading plan shall include indicators to screen for risk factors of dyslexia, using a screening tool approved by the department of education (department). Requires school corporations and charter schools to: (1) use the response to intervention process to address needs of students who are determined to have characteristics of dyslexia; and (2) obtain parental consent before administering a level I dyslexia screening or a level II dyslexia screening. Provides that dyslexia interventions may include certain types of instruction. Requires school corporations and charter schools to report annually to the department regarding the number of students who were: (1) administered the initial dyslexia screening during the school year; and (2) determined to be at risk, or at some risk, for dyslexia. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report on the school corporation's or charter school's Internet web site certain information regarding dyslexia. Requires, not later than July 1, 2019, the department to employ at least one reading specialist trained in dyslexia. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, each school corporation and charter school to employ at least one individual to serve as an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia for the school corporation or charter school. Provides that a school corporation or charter school may receive a waiver from hiring an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia in certain circumstances. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, the department to ensure that each teacher receives professional awareness information on dyslexia. Requires the department to develop and update an Indiana dyslexia resource guide. SB236 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Say's Firefly designated as state insect. Designates Pyractomena angulata, also known as "Say's Firefly", as the official state insect of Indiana. SB428 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Department of Child Services. Requires the department of child services (department) to describe in a child's case plan any efforts made by the department to coordinate with school officials in developing the case plan, if efforts to coordinate with school officials are made. Requires the department to provide information to the court to be made part of the court record if the department receives information that indicates that a parent, guardian, or custodian may have violated a dispositional order. SB65 Third Reading – No action Instruction on human sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Provides that, before a school may provide a student with instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent of instruction. Provides that a consent form provided to a parent of a student or a student must accurately summarize the contents and nature of the instruction on human sexuality that will be provided to the student and indicate that a parent of a student or an adult or emancipated minor student has the right to review and inspect all materials related to the instruction on human sexuality. Provides that the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, may return the consent form indicating that the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that, if the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, does not respond to the written request provided by the school within 21 calendar days of receiving the request, the school shall provide the parent of the student, or the adult or emancipated minor student, a written notice requesting that the parent of the student, or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, indicate whether the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that the parent or the adult or emancipated student may subsequently opt out of the instruction. SB297 Third reading: passed; Roll Call 210: yeas 97, nays 0 (Voted on 2/26) Employability skills curriculum. Provides that the department of workforce development will establish standards that provide students with career and college planning resources under the Indiana career explorer program and standards. (Current law provides that the department of workforce development will establish curriculum under the Indiana career explorer program and curriculum.) Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of education (department), in conjunction with the department of workforce development and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Provides that, if the department determines that the pilot program for instruction in and use of the Indiana career explorer program and standards should be extended, the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development, must increase the number of schools involved in the pilot program by at least 15 additional schools, if possible based on the interest from schools. Provides that the state board of education, in consultation with the department and the department of workforce development, may approve an alternative Internet based system and standards (Current law provides that the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development may approve alternative Internet based system and standards.) Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program). Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program. SB354 Third reading: passed; Roll Call 208: yeas 91, nays 5 (Voted on 2/26) Freeway school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall, upon request by a freeway school corporation or a freeway school, waive certain educational benefit requirements for a period of not more than 36 months..Provides that a freeway school corporation or freeway school may receive a waiver for that freeway school corporation or freeway school only one time. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying the accreditation of elementary and high schools in Indiana. Bills to Be Read by the Senate on February 26 at 1:30 p.m. SR21 Second Reading A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign the topic of autism and public education to the appropriate study committee. HB1024 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Heat preparedness training for coaches. Provides that head coaches and assistant coaches who coach interscholastic sports or intramural sports must complete a certified coaching education course that includes content for prevention of or response to heat related medical issues that may arise from a student athlete's training. HB1230 Second Reading – no action School safety. Requires the department of education (department) to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site providing parents and school officials with resources or best practices regarding the prevention and reporting of bullying and cyberbullying. Requires the state board of education and school corporations to maintain an Internet link to the department's Internet web site on their Internet web sites. Requires the department to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site regarding the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Requires certain employees of a school corporation or an accredited nonpublic school to receive at least one hour of inservice training every two years pertaining to the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer or through a cellular telephone or other wireless or cellular communications device. (Current law provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer.) Requires the department to conduct a statewide needs assessment survey concerning student service providers and how schools are addressing the social and emotional needs of students. HB1314 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Students in foster care and homeless students. Requires the state board of education to, in collaboration with the department of education (department) and the department of child services, annually prepare and submit the following: (1) A report on foster care youth educational outcomes. (2) A report on homeless youth educational outcomes. Requires the department to develop and submit a copy of the following: (1) A remediation plan concerning foster care youth. (2) A remediation plan concerning homeless youth. Requires certain information regarding students in foster care to be included in a school corporation's annual performance report. Requires the department of child services to, not later than 10 days after a child who attends public school is placed in foster care, notify the department that the child has been placed in foster care. Repeals, for purposes of provisions concerning the transportation of a homeless student to a school of origin, a provision that provides "homeless student" includes a student who is awaiting placement in foster care. HB1398 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Coalition of school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) may approve a coalition of continuous improvement school districts (coalition). Provides that certain statutes or rules may be suspended for a coalition member. Specifies that the state board may approve a plan submitted by a proposed coalition that requests the suspension of all or portions of IC 20-30 (curriculum) only if the suspension is related to a specific goal of the proposed coalition. Requires the department of education to annually report to the legislative council information regarding the following: (1) The fiscal impact on a school corporation or school that participates in a coalition. (2) The qualifications of each teacher who teaches in a coalition. (3) The type of future employment for which a student in a coalition is trained, if applicable, and the amount and terms of compensation that a student receives through a coalition's partnership with a member of business or industry. (4) The impact of a coalition member's participation in a coalition on the coalition member's graduation rates. (5) Information regarding where a student in a coalition later obtains full-time employment, if applicable. TUESDAY Bills to Be Read by the House Ways & Means on February 27 at 10:00 a.m. SB43 DO PASS Yeas: 17; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/27) Racial balance levy and fund. Repeals provisions regarding the racial balance levy and the racial balance fund. Provides that any money in a school corporation's racial balance fund on January 1, 2019, must be transferred to the school corporation's operations fund. SB50 – Turned into a summer study committee Workforce development; career and technical education. Establishes the college and career funding review committee. Requires the review committee to study certain issues and to submit a report to the governor and the legislative council. Establishes the governor's workforce cabinet to develop, not later than July 1, 2018, a comprehensive career navigation and coaching system for Indiana. Requires all high schools to participate in the career coaching program. Requires the legislative services agency to conduct a review, analysis, and evaluation of the twenty-first century scholars program and the Frank O'Bannon grant program and submit a report to the governor and the legislative council. DEAD - Workforce development; career and technical education. Establishes the college and career funding review committee (review committee). Requires the review committee to study certain issues and to submit a report to the governor and the legislative council concerning the results of the study. Provides that the governor shall appoint a secretary of workforce training. Provides that if an employer has entered into an agreement with the IEDC for EDGE credits, the IEDC may enter into an additional agreement with the employer to also provide tax credits to individuals who relocate to Indiana to become employed by the employer in a new high demand, unfilled job, if the corporation determines that the jobs are not likely to be filled by current Indiana residents. Provides that the IEDC may enter into an agreement with an employer to provide tax credits to individuals who relocate to Indiana to become employed by the employer in an existing high demand, unfilled job, if the IEDC determines that: (1) the existing high demand, unfilled job has been unfilled for at least 180 days due to a lack of qualified job candidates; and (2) the job is not likely to be filled by current Indiana residents. Specifies that a taxpayer may not claim these credits for more than two taxable years. Provides that the aggregate amount of EDGE credits awarded in a state fiscal year under these provisions and under existing law for projects to retain existing jobs in Indiana may not exceed $10,000,000. Establishes a state income tax credit for expenditures and donations made on behalf of an employee or student to meet the requirements for portable workforce credentials that are required or beneficial for targeted employment identified by the department of workforce development. Applies to taxable years beginning in 2019 through 2021. Requires the board for technical education to identify workforce training programs that are underperforming and request that the budget agency reduce allotments for the programs for the state fiscal year and limits the amount of tax credits in that state fiscal year to the amount the allotments are reduced. Requires the state board of education (state board), when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship program only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Provides that the state board shall establish the real world career readiness program (program) to provide a real world career readiness student with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce. Provides that a real world career readiness student may attend an authorized program for a period of not more than one school year after the student's cohort's expected graduation year in order to obtain an industry recognized certification, credential, or postsecondary degree. Specifies criteria for a student's participation. Provides that not later than July 1, 2019, each school corporation or charter high school, either solely, or in a cooperative or consortia with one or more school corporations or charter high schools, must participate in an authorized program beginning with a cohort with an expected graduation year of 2023. Provides that the secretary of career connections and talent shall with the assistance of the department of workforce development establish and coordinate a career coaching program to: (1) connect employers to local school corporations and schools to create collaborative partnerships that benefit the community; and (2) provide information and support to high school students and their parents to encourage and assist students in successfully enrolling in and completing postsecondary career and technical education or obtaining a high demand job after completing high school. Requires all high schools in Indiana to participate in the program. Provides that the IEDC may award grants from the skills enhancement fund to the department of workforce development to carry out the career coaching program. Establishes the board for technical education (board). Specifies the membership of the board. Provides that the general purposes of the board are the following: (1) Plan for, coordinate, and make recommendations regarding Indiana's system of career and technical education. (2) Review appropriation requests of specified career and technical education providers. (3) Make recommendations to the governor, the budget agency, or the general assembly concerning career and technical education programs. (4) Perform other functions assigned by the governor or the general assembly. Provides that the board shall review the: (1) establishment of any new career and technical education program by a state provider; or (2) the offering of any proposed or existing career and technical education program leading to a certification, credential, or other indication of accomplishment. Requires the board to develop and update a long range plan for career and technical education. Requires the legislative services agency to: (1) conduct a systematic and comprehensive review, analysis, and evaluation of the twenty-first century scholars program and the Frank O'Bannon grant program; and (2) submit a report to the college and career funding review committee and the legislative council before October 1, 2018. Requires the secretary of career connections and talent to schedule, organize, and conduct a summit to assemble state government officials, Indiana employers, trade groups, and officials from Indiana institutions of higher learning to do the following: (1) Identify barriers and disincentives to employment and career advancement in Indiana. (2) Identify multiple training and development pathways for employers and employees. (3) Develop recommendations regarding the enhancement of employment opportunities. Bills to Be Read by the House Education Committee on February 27 at 8:30 a.m. SB303 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/27) (changes in ital) Various education matters. Provides that, on or before December 1, 2018, and periodically thereafter, the secured school safety board shall conduct a review and submit a report to the legislative council. Provides that the report: (1) must provide an overview of the current status of school safety across the state; and (2) may make recommendations to improve the safety of elementary and secondary school students. Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Requires the commission for higher education, in collaboration with the state board of education, to establish a uniform online system of certain staff performance evaluation data. Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Provides that certain students who are eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the students are children of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes. SB387 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 3; (Voted on 02/27) (changes in ital) Teacher licensing. Provides that at least 90% of the individuals who teach full time in a public school must hold a license or be in the process of obtaining a transition to teaching license. Establishes eligibility requirements for a career specialist permit. Provides that, for school years beginning after June 30, 2018, a school corporation may provide a supplemental payment to a teacher in excess of the salary specified in the school corporation's compensation plan if the teacher: (1) is a special education professional; or (2) teaches in the areas of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Provides that the supplemental payment is not subject to collective bargaining but must be discussed. Requires the department of education (department to post on the department's Internet web site the pass rate of the content area examination for each postsecondary educational institution. Provides that the salary increase amount attributed to an individual factor can be differentiated among individual teachers as part of a teacher salary scale. Provides that an elementary teacher may be eligible for a supplemental payment if the teacher earns a master's degree in math, reading, or literacy. (Current law provides that an elementary teacher may be eligible for a supplemental payment if the teacher receives a master's degree in math or in reading and literacy.) Provides that, before September 1, 2018, the department shall issue a request for proposals for an educator licensing exam. Provides that the department shall prepare a report that includes: (1) a list and description of each examination available in Indiana that is or could be used for teacher licensing; (2) any reciprocity for teacher licensing that other states, if any, allow for each examination; (3) the pass rates in other states for each examination; and (4) whether the individual taking the examination is responsible for paying the cost of the examination. Bills to Be Read by the House on February 27 at 1:30 p.m. SB33 Second reading – no action Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. Excludes certain nonexclusive uses of school property from the statutory definition of "school property". SB65 Third reading – no action Instruction on human sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Provides that, before a school may provide a student with instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent of instruction. Provides that a consent form provided to a parent of a student or a student must accurately summarize the contents and nature of the instruction on human sexuality that will be provided to the student and indicate that a parent of a student or an adult or emancipated minor student has the right to review and inspect all materials related to the instruction on human sexuality. Provides that the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, may return the consent form indicating that the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that, if the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, does not respond to the written request provided by the school within 21 calendar days of receiving the request, the school shall provide the parent of the student, or the adult or emancipated minor student, a written notice requesting that the parent of the student, or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, indicate whether the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that the parent or the adult or emancipated student may subsequently opt out of the instruction. SB135 Third reading passed; Roll Call 229: yeas 97, nays 0 (voted 2/27) Department of child services notifications for schools. Requires the department of child services to notify the individual designated as the point of contact for a child's school if the child is removed from the child's home. Provides immunity from civil liability for: (1) a guardian ad litem program; (2) a court appointed special advocate program; (3) an employee of or volunteer for a guardian ad litem program or court appointed special advocate program; and (4) an individual acting as a contracted guardian ad litem; when a child is placed on a waiting list for guardian ad litem or court appointed special advocate services. Makes conforming amendments. SB217 Third reading: passed; Roll Call 234: yeas 95, nays 0 (voted 2/27) Dyslexia. Requires the following: (1) A school multidisciplinary team must include information about dyslexia in a student's educational evaluation if the multidisciplinary team determines that the student is eligible to receive special education and related services and has or has characteristics of dyslexia. (2) Information about dyslexia must be: (A) discussed by the student's case conference committee if information about dyslexia is included in the student's educational evaluation; and (B) included in the student's individualized education program if the case conference committee determines that the information should be included. Provides that a school corporation and charter school's reading plan shall include indicators to screen for risk factors of dyslexia, using a screening tool approved by the department of education (department). Requires school corporations and charter schools to: (1) use the response to intervention process to address needs of students who are determined to have characteristics of dyslexia; and (2) obtain parental consent before administering a level I dyslexia screening or a level II dyslexia screening. Provides that dyslexia interventions may include certain types of instruction. Requires school corporations and charter schools to report annually to the department regarding the number of students who were: (1) administered the initial dyslexia screening during the school year; and (2) determined to be at risk, or at some risk, for dyslexia. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report on the school corporation's or charter school's Internet web site certain information regarding dyslexia. Requires, not later than July 1, 2019, the department to employ at least one reading specialist trained in dyslexia. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, each school corporation and charter school to employ at least one individual to serve as an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia for the school corporation or charter school. Provides that a school corporation or charter school may receive a waiver from hiring an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia in certain circumstances. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, the department to ensure that each teacher receives professional awareness information on dyslexia. Requires the department to develop and update an Indiana dyslexia resource guide. SB236 Third reading: passed; Roll Call 235: yeas 93, nays 3 (voted 2/27) Say's Firefly designated as state insect. Designates Pyractomena angulata, also known as "Say's Firefly", as the official state insect of Indiana. SB428 Third reading passed; Roll Call 258: yeas 95, nays 0 (voted 2/27) Department of child services. Requires the department of child services (department) to describe in a child's case plan any efforts made by the department to coordinate with school officials in developing the case plan, if efforts to coordinate with school officials are made. Requires the department to provide information to the court to be made part of the court record if the department receives information that indicates that a parent, guardian, or custodian may have violated a dispositional order. Bills to Be Read by the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy on February 27 at 8:30 a.m. HB1039 Passed: Yeas: 10; Nays: 0 (voted 2/27) Study of Tax Topics. Urges the legislative council to have the interim study committee on fiscal policy study the following: (1) Whether the annual limit on the adjusted gross income tax credit for contributions to a college choice 529 savings plan should be modified in some way to allow a taxpayer to make greater contributions earlier in the taxpayer's schedule of savings. (2) The implications of changes made by the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to the allowable uses of 529 plans. (3) Whether the adjusted gross income tax deduction for education expenditures should be extended to include expenditures made in connection with the enrollment, attendance, and participation in a public school elementary or high school education program. Changed to: Provides the following for purposes of the state income tax credit for contributions to a college choice 529 education savings plan: (1) The term "qualified higher education expenses" has the meaning set forth in the Internal Revenue Code as in effect on January 1, 2017. (2) A taxpayer is not entitled to the credit for money that is credited to an account and that will be used to pay for expenses for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school or that will be transferred to an ABLE account. (3) For purposes of determining the recapture of the credit, a withdrawal or distribution that is used to pay for expenses for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school or that is a rollover distribution or transfer of assets or to an ABLE account is a nonqualified withdrawal. Urges the legislative council to assign to the interim study committee on fiscal policy certain study topics related to 529 plans. Requires the Indiana education savings authority to report to the interim study committee on fiscal policy concerning the investment of assets under the education savings programs it administers, including information concerning the ways in which the investment of those assets benefits Indiana. Bills to Be Read by the Senate on February 27 at 1:30 p.m. HB1024 Third reading passed; Roll Call 244: yeas 40, nays 10 (voted 2/27) Heat preparedness training for coaches. Provides that head coaches and assistant coaches who coach interscholastic sports or intramural sports must complete a certified coaching education course that includes content for prevention of or response to heat related medical issues that may arise from a student athlete's training. HB1074 Third reading passed; Roll Call 247: yeas 50, nays 0 (voted 2/27) Various higher education matters. Provides that the provisions regarding employment of construction managers as constructors for public works projects applies only to state educational institutions after June 30, 2020. (Current law expires these provisions on July 1, 2020.) Makes changes regarding the: (1) conditions required to qualify for the renewal of a twenty-first century scholars program scholarship; and (2) award amounts to twenty-first century scholars program scholarship applicants who attend a private, approved postsecondary educational institution. Makes the following changes concerning the primary care shortage area scholarship: (1) Amends the practice requirements to receive a scholarship. (2) Amends the repayment requirements for noncompliance with a primary care practice agreement. (3) Allows the commission for higher education (commission) to impose and collect interest on unpaid repayment amounts. (4) Provides that, if the commission and a recipient of a scholarship enter into a new written agreement that complies with the primary care shortage area scholarship provisions, the commission and recipient may terminate an agreement entered into or renewed before July 1, 2018. Requires the chairperson of the commission to appoint a: (1) seven member student member nominating committee; and (2) seven member faculty member nominating committee. (Current law requires the chairperson to appoint a ten member nominating committee of five student members and five faculty members.) Provides that an applicant who: (1) does not maintain satisfactory academic progress as required to be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant; but (2) meets other certain conditions; is still eligible for the grant. Modifies the procedures that a state educational institution must use to dispose of real estate (including any real estate acquired by gift, bequest, or devise). Repeals certain statutes concerning: (1) the disposition of gifts, bequests, and devises of real estate to state educational institutions; and (2) matters that pertain to the closing process in the disposition of real estate by a state educational institution. Makes conforming amendments. Removes an expired provision. HB1230 Second Reading; ordered engrossed School safety. Requires the department of education (department) to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site providing parents and school officials with resources or best practices regarding the prevention and reporting of bullying and cyberbullying. Requires the state board of education and school corporations to maintain an Internet link to the department's Internet web site on their Internet web sites. Requires the department to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site regarding the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Requires certain employees of a school corporation or an accredited nonpublic school to receive at least one hour of inservice training every two years pertaining to the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer or through a cellular telephone or other wireless or cellular communications device. (Current law provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer.) Requires the department to conduct a statewide needs assessment survey concerning student service providers and how schools are addressing the social and emotional needs of students. HB1314 Third reading passed; Roll Call 260: yeas 50, nays 0 (voted 2/27) Students in foster care and homeless students. Requires the state board of education to, in collaboration with the department of education (department) and the department of child services, annually prepare and submit the following: (1) A report on foster care youth educational outcomes. (2) A report on homeless youth educational outcomes. Requires the department to develop and submit a copy of the following: (1) A remediation plan concerning foster care youth. (2) A remediation plan concerning homeless youth. Requires certain information regarding students in foster care to be included in a school corporation's annual performance report. Requires the department and the department of child services to enter into a memorandum of understanding that, at a minimum, requires the department of child services to share with the department, at least one time each month, disaggregated information regarding youth in foster care that is sufficient to allow the department to identify students in foster care. Repeals, for purposes of provisions concerning the transportation of a homeless student to a school of origin, a provision that provides "homeless student" includes a student who is awaiting placement in foster care. HB1398 Third reading passed; Roll Call 264: yeas 41, nays 9 (voted 2/27) Coalition of school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) may approve a coalition of continuous improvement school districts (coalition). Provides that certain statutes or rules may be suspended for a coalition member. Specifies that the state board may approve a plan submitted by a proposed coalition that requests the suspension of all or portions of IC 20-30 (curriculum) only if the suspension is related to a specific goal of the proposed coalition. Requires the department of education to annually report to the legislative council information regarding the following: (1) The fiscal impact on a school corporation or school that participates in a coalition. (2) The qualifications of each teacher who teaches in a coalition. (3) The type of future employment for which a student in a coalition is trained, if applicable, and the amount and terms of compensation that a student receives through a coalition's partnership with a member of business or industry. (4) The impact of a coalition member's participation in a coalition on the coalition member's graduation rates. (5) Information regarding where a student in a coalition later obtains full-time employment, if applicable. WEDNESDAY Bills to Be Read by the Senate Education & Career Development Committee on February 28 at 1:30 p.m. HB1356 DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 (voted 2/28) Bullying. Provides that a school corporation is not required to report the number of incidents of bullying in the school corporation's annual school performance report. Provides that information reported by a school corporation relating to the number of incidents of bullying that occur may not be used in calculation of a school's annual school improvement grade. Provides that the department of education (department) must annually send notification via electronic mail or a letter to each school corporation explaining: (1) the school corporation's obligation to submit a report to the department containing the number of bullying incidents involving a student; and(2) that the department may conduct an audit of the school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department may conduct an audit of a school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department must report discrepancies of an audit on the department's Internet web site. Requires the department to conduct a statewide survey concerning the improvement of school corporation reporting of incidents of bullying involving a student to the department. Requires, not later than November 1, 2018, the department to submit a report to the general assembly. HB1398 – Motion to dissent filed Coalition of School Corporations. Provides that the state board of education (state board) may approve a coalition of continuous improvement school districts (coalition). Provides that certain statutes or rules may be suspended for a coalition member. Specifies that the state board may approve a plan submitted by a proposed coalition that requests the suspension of all or portions of IC 20-30 (curriculum) only if the suspension is related to a specific goal of the proposed coalition. Requires the department of education to annually report to the legislative council information regarding the following: (1) The fiscal impact on a school corporation or school that participates in a coalition. (2) The qualifications of each teacher who teaches in a coalition. (3) The type of future employment for which a student in a coalition is trained, if applicable, and the amount and terms of compensation that a student receives through a coalition's partnership with a member of business or industry. (4) The impact of a coalition member's participation in a coalition on the coalition member's graduation rates. (5) Information regarding where a student in a coalition later obtains full-time employment, if applicable. HB1399 – DO PASS amend Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 Elementary school teacher content area licenses. Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, the state board of education shall adopt rules to establish one or more elementary school teacher content area licenses that must, at a minimum, include an: (1) elementary mathematics specialist license; and (2) elementary mathematics and science teacher license. Establishes requirements to be eligible for an elementary mathematics specialist license and an elementary mathematics and science teacher license. Requires the department of education (department) to develop an incentive program to assist and reward teachers who pursue and earn an elementary school teacher content area license. Provides that the department shall make recommendations to the general assembly regarding ways to accomplish the goals of the incentive program. HB1420 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 Various education matters. Makes changes relating to how parents of students are nominated and approved to be members of the commission on seclusion and restraint in schools. Provides that a student with special needs who has a service plan or a choice scholarship education plan may be admitted to the Indiana School for the Deaf. Provides that a student who is withdrawn from enrollment from a virtual charter school for failure to participate in courses pursuant to the school's student engagement policy may not reenroll in that same virtual charter school for the school year in which the student is withdrawn. Defines "education records". Requires an organizer of a charter school that is closing for any reason to establish a charter school protocol that explains to a parent of a student enrolled in the charter school the procedure that the charter school uses to transfer a student's education records. Provides that a Cambridge International course may be used for the following purposes: (1) As the basis for a supplemental payment to a teacher who teaches a Cambridge International course. (2) As one of the assessments that a student in grades 10 through 12 voluntarily plans to take. (3) As an additional curriculum model available to high school students. (4) As a replacement for certain high school courses on a student's high school transcript. (5) For a student's receipt of credits toward graduation by demonstrating proficiency in a course or subject area. (6) To place a student who is a child of a military family in the appropriate course when the student transfers to a new school. (7) For purposes of determining eligibility for various higher education scholarship and awards programs and amounts. Provides that each student who enrolls in a Cambridge course may take the accompanying Cambridge International examination to receive high school credit for the Cambridge course. Requires the department of education and the state board of education to provide that a successfully completed Cambridge course is credited toward fulfilling the requirements of an Indiana diploma that contains the Core 40 with academic honors designation. Subject to certain conditions, provides that an individual or entity must: (1) notify a public school regarding an alleged violation of law; and (2) indicate a proposed remedy; before the individual or entity may file a civil action or an administrative proceeding against the public school. Provides that after receiving a notice from an individual or entity, a public school may take the following actions: (1) Remedy the alleged violation or violations. (2) Make a written offer to settle a dispute. Provides that a proposed remedy offered by an individual or entity must include the following: (1) A specific request for relief. (2) An opportunity for the public school to offer the individual or entity the relief requested before the individual or entity initiates a civil action or administrative proceeding against the public school. Specifies that if an individual or entity does not notify the public school before filing a civil action or administrative proceeding, a court, administrative law judge, or hearing officer shall dismiss the civil action or administrative proceeding without prejudice. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact of litigation on school corporations and charter schools. Provides that an issuing officer shall issue an employment certificate to a student who attends a nonaccredited nonpublic school after receiving: (1) proof of age; and (2) proof of prospective employment. Provides that a child who attends a nonaccredited nonpublic school who is seeking an employment certificate from a school the child does not attend must also present to the issuing officer an attestation from the student's parent that the student is enrolled in school. Provides that a written statement may be submitted to the issuing officer via facsimile or electronic mail. Provide that the student may not work more than three hours on a school day other than a Friday. Repeals a provision concerning the transfer of student records. Makes conforming amendments. Resolves a conflict between P.L.217-2017 and P.L.250-2017. HB1421 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 School discipline. Provides that the department of education's (department) model evidence based plan for improving student behavior and discipline must: (1) reduce out-of-school suspension and disproportionality in discipline and expulsion; and (2) limit referrals to law enforcement or arrests on school property to cases in which referral to law enforcement or arrest is necessary to protect the health and safety of other students or school employees. Provides that, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the department, in collaboration with parent organizations and state educational institutions, shall, upon a school corporation's request, provide information and assistance to the school corporation regarding the implementation of the school corporation's evidence based plan to ensure that teachers and administrators receive appropriate professional development and other resources in preparation for carrying out the plan. Urges the legislative council is urged to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the use of positive student discipline and restorative justice practices by elementary and secondary schools. Requires the department to conduct a survey of school corporation school discipline policies to determine the extent to which positive discipline and restorative justice practices are being utilized. SCR44 – In Committee A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign to the appropriate study committee the topic of improving the post-secondary financial assistance program for children of disabled veterans and to more judiciously grant funds for post-secondary education monies by limiting the use of these funds. Bills to Be Read by the Senate Corrections & Criminal Law Committee on February 28 at 1:15 p.m. SR43 – DO PASS Yeas: 7; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/28) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign to the appropriate study committee the topic of a comprehensive review of school safety issues with the goal to do whatever is necessary to protect Hoosier children in our schools Bills to Be Read by the House on February 28 at 1:30 p.m. SB33 Second Reading – moved to 3/1 Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. Excludes certain nonexclusive uses of school property from the statutory definition of "school property". SB172 Second Reading: Ordered Engrossed Computer science. Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12. SB189 Second Reading: Ordered Engrossed K-12 funding. Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount if it exceeds the appropriated amount. Limits the transfer to $25,000,000 in state fiscal year 2017-2018 and $75,000,000 for state fiscal year 2018-2019. Requires school corporations to report information about virtual education programs to the department of education. SB65 Third reading passed; Roll Call 266: yeas 69, nays 27 Instruction on human sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Provides that, before a school may provide a student with instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent of instruction. Provides that a consent form provided to a parent of a student or a student must accurately summarize the contents and nature of the instruction on human sexuality that will be provided to the student and indicate that a parent of a student or an adult or emancipated minor student has the right to review and inspect all materials related to the instruction on human sexuality. Provides that the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, may return the consent form indicating that the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that, if the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, does not respond to the written request provided by the school within 21 calendar days of receiving the request, the school shall provide the parent of the student, or the adult or emancipated minor student, a written notice requesting that the parent of the student, or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, indicate whether the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that the parent or the adult or emancipated student may subsequently opt out of the instruction. THURSDAY Bills to Be Read by the Senate Appropriates Committee on March 1 at 9:00 a.m. HB1002 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 1 Reorganization of workforce funding and programs. Requires an annual workforce related program review by the legislative services agency. Repeals the training 2000 program and fund and the Indiana regional cities development fund, effective July 1, 2019, and provides for program phase outs. Requires the state workforce innovation council to review each proposed grant award by the department of workforce development (DWD) before the grant is awarded by the DWD. Establishes the next level workforce training and development fund (fund) as a dedicated fund for certain state workforce training and development programs. Dedicates all corporate adjusted gross income tax revenues tothe fund. Requires the creation of accounts within the fund. Establishes the employer workforce training grant fund to provide money for grants to eligible employers that incur costs or expenses for training programs that allow their employees or prospective employees in Indiana to attain a work related degree, certification, or credential. Requires the state board of education, when establishing an apprenticeship as a graduation pathway requirement, to establish as an apprenticeship only an apprenticeship program registered under the federal National Apprenticeship Act or another federal apprenticeship program administered by the United States Department of Labor. Provides that an emancipated student or the parent of a student enrolled in a career or technical course may voluntarily release information, on a form prescribed by the department of education, pertaining to the student's enrollment in the career and technical education course to potential employers that contact the school to recruit students with particular career and technical skills. Requires the DWD to: (1) develop information regarding workforce needs in Indiana; (2) assign at least two existing employees at each one stop center (one stop centers provide access to services required by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) to work with school counselors; and (3) upon request of a school corporation, make a presentation to middle school and high school counselors. Transforms Ivy Tech Community College's regional boards of trustees to campus boards of trustees. Specifies that an individual who is enrolled as a part-time post-secondary student, regardless of whether a part-time student is qualified to receive an adult student grant, may participate in the employment aid readiness network (EARN) Indiana program. Specifies that certain requirements regarding educational qualifications of nursing faculty members are suspended from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2024. Requires the family and social services administration and the Indiana department of transportation to perform a coordinated study on leveraging money for transportation to workforce related programs. Revises eligibility criteria for applicants for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants. Provides that if the demand for high value workforce ready credit-bearing grants exceeds the appropriation, the commission for higher education shall prioritize applicants who are classified as independent. Requires workforce and education information as part of the biennial budget report that is submitted to the governor and state budget committee for preparation of the governor's proposed budget bill. Makes conforming amendments. HB1315 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 4 <OLD LANGUAGE> School corporation financial management. Allows the distressed unit appeal board (DUAB) to delegate board authority, duties, and responsibilities to the executive director by resolution of the board. Permits only the emergency manager to petition the DUAB to terminate a political subdivision's distressed status. Allows the DUAB to adopt rules. Requires the attorney general to represent a member of the fiscal management board, an emergency manager, a chief financial officer, or a chief academic officer if the individual requests the representation. Specifies restrictions on school corporations that are designated distressed. Allows a limited reduction in employees for distressed school corporation after September 30 of a year. Specifies that waivers regarding the allocation of protected taxes apply only to distressed school corporations and not other distressed units. Makes changes concerning the Gary Community school corporation and its operation. Converts the Gary Community school corporation's governing board to an advisory committee. Provides that the Gary Community school corporation advisory committee may not hold a public meeting more often than once every three months and provides that any other meetings are authorized executive sessions under the open door law. Specifies that advisory committee may vote to fill vacancies and select officers of the advisory committee. Removes the laws concerning the Muncie Community School Corporation being a fiscally impaired school corporation. Permits the Ball State University board of trustees to adopt a resolution to govern the Muncie Community school corporation using a newly appointed seven member governing board. Requires that at least two members reside in the Muncie Community School Corporation district. Requires the governing body to engage academically innovative strategies. Specifies that only certain laws in IC 20 will apply to the Muncie Community school corporation. Specifies other conditions. Permits the DUAB to recommend to the state board of finance that the state board of finance make an interest free loan to the Muncie Community Schools. Establishes a fiscal and qualitative indicators committee to make initial determinations about the fiscal and qualitative factors to be used in analyzing the financial condition of school corporations. Specifies certain factors that may be used. Requires the fiscal and qualitative indicators committee to make initial determinations about the presentation of the factors and the financial condition of school corporations to the public and the frequency of updates. Requires the fiscal and qualitative indicators committee to report its findings, recommendations, and procedures to the state budget committee before being made final. Requires the DUAB to present school financial condition information on its Internet web site or the management performance hub (MPH)'s Internet web site. Sets minimum standards for presenting the information. Requires the DUAB to determine the financial condition of each school corporation and whether a school corporation should be placed on a watch list. Requires the DUAB to report to the state budget committee the process that will be used between contacting a school corporation about its financial condition and being placed on the watch list, including a report on what factors will cause a school corporation to be put on the watch list, any particular funding issues that may cause a school corporation to be on the watch list, and when the list will be made public. Provides that if a school corporation remains on the watch list for four consecutive years, the Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents shall decide if it is appropriate to recommend to the Indiana department of education whether disciplinary action should be taken by the department regarding the superintendent. Permits the DUAB to enter into an agreement with a school corporation showing fiscal distress to establish a corrective action plan. Requires various reports. <UPDATED LANGUAGE> School corporation financial management. Allows the distressed unit appeal board (DUAB) to delegate board authority, duties, and responsibilities to the executive director by resolution of the board. Allows the DUAB to adopt rules. Requires the attorney general to represent a member of the fiscal management board, an emergency manager, a chief financial officer, or a chief academic officer if the individual requests the representation. Specifies restrictions on school corporations that are designated distressed. Specifies that waivers regarding the allocation of protected taxes apply only to distressed school corporations and not other distressed units. Provides that, for a period of two years following the termination of a political subdivision's distressed status, the political subdivision may not do any of the following without the prior approval of the DUAB: (1) Adopt a budget, tax levy, or tax rate. (2) Issue bonds. (3) Enter into a lease. Requires a political subdivision to submit certain reports to the DUAB for a period of four years following the termination of the political subdivision's distressed status. Authorizes the emergency manager of a distressed school corporation to cancel any employee's contract or terminate an employee's employment as part of a reduction in force. Provides that notification for a reduction in force of: (1) certificated employees may be delivered after September 30 and before November 1 of the contract year; and (2) noncertificated employees may be delivered at any time. Specifies that the maximum reduction in force of certificated employees under this provision may not exceed 5% of the full-time equivalency for all certificated employees in the certificated employee bargaining unit for the school corporation. Requires the emergency manager to provide any employee whose contract is being canceled with notice at least 90 days before the effective date of the cancellation. Provides that the governing body of a distressed school corporation (or the advisory board, in the case of Gary schools) may file a petition with the DUAB for termination of distressed status only if the school corporation's ongoing revenues exceed the school corporation's ongoing expenses. Specifies that the governing body or advisory board may file such a petition with the DUAB not more than one time in a 12 month period. Makes changes concerning the Gary Community school corporation and its operation. Converts the Gary Community school corporation's governing board to an advisory board. Provides that the advisory board may not hold a public meeting more often than once every three months. Provides that the advisory board may hold additional meetings that are authorized as executive sessions under the open door law. Specifies that the advisory board may vote to fill vacancies and select officers of the advisory board. Deletes from current law the requirements: (1) that the emergency manager for the Gary Community school corporation must consult with the fiscal management board and the governing body; and (2) that the emergency manager for the Gary Community school corporation must consult with the mayor, the fiscal management board, and the governing body when developing the school corporation's annual budget and developing a financial plan, and provides that the emergency manager shall consider any recommendations from these entities. Requires the chief financial officer and chief academic officer to submit a quarterly report the advisory board. Removes the laws concerning the Muncie Community school corporation being a fiscally impaired school corporation. Permits the Ball State University board of trustees to adopt a resolution to govern the Muncie Community school corporation using a newly appointed seven member governing board. Requires certain members of the governing body to reside in the Muncie Community cchool corporation district. Provides that the terms of office of the two members appointed by the President of Ball State University expire on June 30, 2022, and beginning July 1, 2022, two members of the board shall be individuals elected at-large. Requires the first elected members to be elected at the 2022 primary election. Specifies that the governing body serving on June 30, 2018, shall become on July 1, 2018, an advisory board to the governing body appointed by the President and board of trustees of Ball State University. Requires the governing body to engage academically innovative strategies. Specifies that only certain laws in IC 20 will apply to the Muncie Community school corporation. Specifies other conditions. Permits the DUAB to recommend to the state board of finance that the state board of finance make an interest free loan to the Muncie Community school corporation. Establishes a fiscal and qualitative indicators committee (committee) to make determinations about the fiscal and qualitative factors to be used in analyzing the financial condition of school corporations. Specifies certain factors that may be used. Requires the committee to make determinations about the presentation of the factors and the financial condition of school corporations to the public and the frequency of updates. Requires the DUAB to present school financial condition information on its Internet web site or the management performance hub Internet web site. Sets minimum standards for presenting the information. Requires the DUAB to determine the financial condition of each school corporation and whether a school corporation should be placed on a watch list. Requires the executive director of the DUAB to do the following: (1) Report to the state budget committee the process and procedures that will be used before a school corporation is placed on the watch list. (2) Prepare a report identifying each school corporation whose financial condition indicates the potential to be placed on the watch list. Provides that the DUAB may enter into an agreement with a school corporation to develop a corrective action plan. Requires the DUAB to meet in executive session for discussions and determinations related to placing a school corporation on the watch list. Specifies that the DUAB may make a determination to place a school corporation on the watch list only if the DUAB has, at least six months before making the determination, provided notice to the school corporation stating that the DUAB is considering making such a determination. Provides that before a school corporation is placed on a watch list, the school corporation shall be given an opportunity to meet with the DUAB and the DUAB executive director in executive session. Specifies that after the DUAB makes a determination to place the school corporation on the watch list, the school corporation may file an appeal with the DUAB and request removal from the watch list. Provides that until the DUAB has ruled on the appeal, the school corporation may not be placed on the watch list. Specifies that all correspondence and other records related to discussions and determinations concerning whether a school corporation should be placed on the watch list are confidential and not subject to public disclosure unless and until the school corporation is subsequently placed on the watch list. Specifies that if the DUAB finds that: (1) a determination has been provided by the state board of accounts specifying that a corrective action plan is appropriate for a school corporation; or (2) the fiscal and qualitative indicators indicate that a corrective action plan is appropriate for a school corporation; the DUAB shall initiate contact with the chairperson of the governing body and the superintendent of the school corporation and offer to provide technical assistance to the school corporation. Provides that the DUAB may form a technical assistance team. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation in which 10% or more of the school buildings are occupied in whole or part by one or more innovation network schools or one or more innovation network charter schools may sell a closed, unused, or unoccupied school building without making the vacant school building available to a charter school. Amends the definition of "deficit financing" for a budget year to mean, in the case of any distressed school corporation, the Gary Community school corporation, or the Muncie Community school corporation: (1) actual expenditures; plus (2) additional payments against any outstanding debt obligations; exceeding the employer's current year actual education fund revenue. Provides that until June 30, 2018, the governing body of Gary schools, rather than the emergency manager, shall exercise the power to fill a vacancy on the governing body. Resolves conflicts. Makes technical corrections. HB1426 DO PASS Yeas: 13; Nays: 0 Education matters. Urges the legislative council during the 2018 through 2020 interims to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to a school corporation's ability to provide adequate career counseling to students. Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one standard Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires the state board to create an alternate diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Requires the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Provides that, for each school year beginning after June 30, 2019, a high school shall administer as part of the statewide assessment a nationally recognized college entrance exam. Eliminates the requirement of end of course assessments to be administered as part of the statewide assessment program. Provides that: (1) if a nationally recognized college entrance exam administered by a high school assesses science, the nationally recognized college entrance exam must be used to assess science for the grade level for which the nationally recognized college entrance exam is administered; or (2) if a nationally recognized college entrance exam does not assess science, another examination may be administered to assess science. Resolves a conflict in a provision that requires the state board to develop guidelines to assist secondary schools to identify students likely to require remediation. Eliminates a requirement that a student must take a college and career readiness examination if the student is identified under the guidelines developed by the state board to likely be in need of remediation. Provides that certain statewide assessments must use a scale score that will ensure the statewide assessment scores are comparable to assessment scoring used as part of the ISTEP program, before its expiration. Provides that a student may receive a waiver from the postsecondary readiness competency requirements that are part of the graduation pathway requirements if the student meets certain conditions. Adds a provision to the list of purposes for which a charter school may limit new admissions to the charter school. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma. Makes conforming amendments Bills to Be Read by the House on March 1 at 10:00 a.m. SB33 - Not called Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. Excludes certain nonexclusive uses of school property from the statutory definition of "school property". SB43 Second Reading: ordered engrossed Racial balance levy and fund. Repeals provisions regarding the racial balance levy and the racial balance fund. Provides that any money in a school corporation's racial balance fund on January 1, 2019, must be transferred to the school corporation's operations fund. SB50 Second reading: amended, ordered engrossed Workforce development; career and technical education. Establishes the college and career funding review committee. Requires the review committee to study certain issues and to submit a report to the governor and the legislative council. Establishes the governor's workforce cabinet to develop, not later than July 1, 2018, a comprehensive career navigation and coaching system for Indiana. Requires high schools maintained by a school corporation, a charter school, or an accredited nonpublic school to participate in the career coaching program. Requires at least 25% of the money appropriated by the general assembly for adult education or the work Indiana program to be used: (1) to reimburse an eligible provider for adult education that is provided to eligible employees who need education in basic skills or that is necessary for an eligible employee to receive a high school diploma or an Indiana high school equivalency diploma; or (2) for adult education grants to employers. Specifies criteria that an individual must meet to be an eligible employee. Establishes the next level jobs employer training grant program and specifies criteria to receive a grant. Provides limits on the grant amount per employee and per emplooyer. Requires the legislative services agency to conduct a review, analysis, and evaluation of the twenty-first century scholars program and the Frank O'Bannon grant program and submit a report to the governor and the legislative council. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the question of whether the state should submit a combined state plan instead of a unified state plan to the United States Department of Labor when the state submits a new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act plan. SB303 Second reading: amended, ordered engrossed Various education matters. Provides that, on or before December 1, 2018, and periodically thereafter, the secured school safety board shall conduct a review and submit a report to the legislative council. Provides that the report: (1) must provide an overview of the current status of school safety across the state; and (2) may make recommendations to improve the safety of elementary and secondary school students. Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Provides that an expanded child protection index check for an applicant for employment with a school corporation, charter school, or nonpublic school: (1) must be conducted for Indiana; and (2) may be conducted for other states. Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Provides that a school corporation may provide summer school educational services through an online provider. Voids 511 IAC 12-2-2 which pertains to reimbursements from the department for summer school. Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Provides that certain students who are eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the students are children of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes. Provides that, not later than August 1, 2019, the department's division of school building physical security and safety, in consultation with the department of homeland security, shall conduct an audit of each school corporation's school safety plan and provide an onsite safety review for each school corporation and make recommendations to the school corporation. Provides that a school that has one or more employees may barricade or block a door for a period not to exceed three minutes in the event of an unplanned fire alarm activation in order for a designated school official to investigate the alarm. Provides that the period may be extended in the event that an active shooter has been verified to be on the school's property. Provides that, on or before August 1, 2018, the state fire marshal, in consultation with the department, shall send written guidance to each school that has one or more employees that describes how a school may apply current fire safety requirements for an unplanned fire alarm activation in order to provide security to students and school staff in the event of a potential active shooter situation. SB387 Second Reading: Ordered Engrossed Teacher licensing. Provides that at least 90% of the individuals who teach full time in a public school must hold a license or be in the process of obtaining a transition to teaching license. Establishes eligibility requirements for a career specialist permit. Provides that, for school years beginning after June 30, 2018, a school corporation may provide a supplemental payment to a teacher in excess of the salary specified in the school corporation's compensation plan if the teacher: (1) is a special education professional; or (2) teaches in the areas of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Provides that the supplemental payment is not subject to collective bargaining but must be discussed. Requires the department of education (department to post on the department's Internet web site the pass rate of the content area examination for each postsecondary educational institution. Provides that the salary increase amount attributed to an individual factor can be differentiated among individual teachers as part of a teacher salary scale. Provides that an elementary teacher may be eligible for a supplemental payment if the teacher earns a master's degree in math, reading, or literacy. (Current law provides that an elementary teacher may be eligible for a supplemental payment if the teacher receives a master's degree in math or in reading and literacy.) Provides that, before September 1, 2018, the department shall issue a request for proposals for an educator licensing exam. Provides that the department shall prepare a report that includes: (1) a list and description of each examination available in Indiana that is or could be used for teacher licensing; (2) any reciprocity for teacher licensing that other states, if any, allow for each examination; (3) the pass rates in other states for each examination; and (4) whether the individual taking the examination is responsible for paying the cost of the examination. SB172 Not called Computer science. Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12. SB189 Third reading: passed; Roll Call 279: yeas 93, nays 0 K-12 funding. Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount if it exceeds the appropriated amount. Limits the transfer to $25,000,000 in state fiscal year 2017-2018 and $75,000,000 for state fiscal year 2018-2019. Requires school corporations to report information about virtual education programs to the department of education. Bills to Be Read by the House on March 1 at 1:30 p.m. HB1039 Second Reading: ordered engrossed 529 plans. Provides the following for purposes of the state income tax credit for contributions to a college choice 529 education savings plan: (1) The term "qualified higher education expenses" has the meaning set forth in the Internal Revenue Code as in effect on January 1, 2017. (2) A taxpayer is not entitled to the credit for money that is credited to an account and that will be used to pay for expenses for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school or that will be transferred to an ABLE account. (3) For purposes of determining the recapture of the credit, a withdrawal or distribution that is used to pay for expenses for tuition in connection with enrollment or attendance at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school or that is a rollover distribution or transfer of assets or to an ABLE account is a nonqualified withdrawal. Urges the legislative council to assign to the interim study committee on fiscal policy certain study topics related to 529 plans. Requires the Indiana education savings authority to report to the interim study committee on fiscal policy concerning the investment of assets under the education savings programs it administers, including information concerning the ways in which the investment of those assets benefits Indiana. HB1230 Third Reading passed; Roll Call 270: yeas 48, nays 0 School safety. Requires the department of education (department) to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site providing parents and school officials with resources or best practices regarding the prevention and reporting of bullying and cyberbullying. Requires the state board of education and school corporations to maintain an Internet link to the department's Internet web site on their Internet web sites. Requires the department to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site regarding the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Requires certain employees of a school corporation or an accredited nonpublic school to receive at least one hour of inservice training every two years pertaining to the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer or through a cellular telephone or other wireless or cellular communications device. (Current law provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer.) Requires the department to conduct a statewide needs assessment survey concerning student service providers and how schools are addressing the social and emotional needs of students. Provides that curriculum for the school safety specialist training and certification program must include training in identifying, preventing, and intervening in actions by a person who is present on school property with the intent to harm another person. Allows charter schools and accredited nonpublic schools to elect to comply with certain laws regarding school safety specialists, school safety plans, and safe school committees. Requires each charter school and accredited nonpublic school to: (1) adopt a local school safety and emergency plan; and (2) provide a copy of the floor plans for each building located on the school's property to the law enforcement agency and the fire department that have jurisdiction over the school. SB297 – Concurrence - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 278: yeas 46, nays 2 Employability skills curriculum. Provides that the department of workforce development will establish standards that provide students with career and college planning resources under the Indiana career explorer program and standards. (Current law provides that the department of workforce development will establish curriculum under the Indiana career explorer program and curriculum.) Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of education (department), in conjunction with the department of workforce development and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Provides that, if the department determines that the pilot program for instruction in and use of the Indiana career explorer program and standards should be extended, the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development, must increase the number of schools involved in the pilot program by at least 15 additional schools, if possible based on the interest from schools. Provides that the state board of education, in consultation with the department and the department of workforce development, may approve an alternative Internet based system and standards (Current law provides that the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development may approve alternative Internet based system and standards.) Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program). Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program. SB354 Concurrence - Senate concurred in House amendments; Roll Call 279: yeas 46, nays 2; Senators Melton and Stoops removed as coauthors Freeway school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall, upon request by a freeway school corporation or a freeway school, waive certain educational benefit requirements for a period of not more than 36 months. Provides that a freeway school corporation or freeway school may receive a waiver for that freeway school corporation or freeway school only one time. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying the accreditation of elementary and high schools in Indiana. Errors, corrections, comments? Contact us here. Please consider becoming a member! Join here. Compiled by Meghann Goetz and Keri Miksza Dear Friends,
The “Celebration of Public Education” Monday in the Statehouse was a tremendous event! Thanks to all who came and thanks to all who were there in spirit! As our outstanding rally speakers said, public education needs our renewed support and protection. This is true this week in House Bill 1315, which would set troubling precedents to deconstruct the local control of public education if it is not amended by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Here are the four concerns about HB 1315 that I testified on in the Senate Appropriations Committee last Thursday, Feb. 15:
Chairman Mishler listened closely to lengthy testimony and said the testimony would guide an amendment he would bring to the bill at a later meeting. HB 1315 has not been included on the agenda for the next meeting on February 22nd so you have time to make your concerns known this week. The bill needs to be amended. We need your participation. Please review the details about each concern below and then contact members of the Senate Appropriations Committee listed here as soon as possible: Republicans: Senators Mishler (chair), Brown, Bassler, Boots, Bray, Charbonneau, Crider, Eckerty and Holdman Democrats: Senators Tallian, Breaux, Niezgodski and Taylor [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] It would also help if you send a strong message to amend this bill to Senator Long, Senate President Pro Tem, and to your own Senator. House Bill 1315 – School Corporation Financial Management House Bill 1315, sponsored by Representative Tim Brown, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, proposes to restrict the voice of the public in the public schools in Muncie and Gary because district leaders over several years overspent their budget and fell into debt. It also proposes to set up an assessment of the financial health of all public school districts, setting up a dashboard of financial indicators for all school corporations. Concern #1: For the first time, a public school district could be governed by school board members who do not live in the school district. HB 1315 as it passed the House on a party line vote says the Muncie city council and the Muncie mayor can each nominate a school board member “who must reside within the boundaries of the Muncie school corporation district.” The other five members will be nominated by the president of Ball State and are not required to be residents of the Muncie school corporation. Under this plan, school board members would be setting property tax levies when they don’t even live in the community. This would surely be the basis for a lawsuit regarding representation and cost the district significant money for legal defense which has not been budgeted. This is unprecedented among current school boards and would be a major step in the deconstruction of local public schools in Indiana which began in 2011. Ask Senators to return the public to the Muncie public schools by requiring that all seven members “reside within the boundaries of the Muncie school corporation district.” Concern #2: For the first time, a public school district could ignore state law mandates to display the flag and to study the US Constitution and citizenship. Even private voucher schools are not allowed to ignore the laws on citizenship mandates! HB 1315 turns Muncie’s fiscal crisis into a grand academic experiment “to provide all administrative and academic flexibility to implement innovative strategies”, in the words of the bill. It makes Muncie schools subject to only 17 laws which they must follow instead of the entire body of school law which every other school district must observe. This would make the entire Muncie Community School district akin to an experimental charter school. This flexibility goes too far. The bill actually removes the legal obligations in 20-30-5 for schools to display the flag, say the pledge of allegiance, study the U.S. Constitution, and provide non-partisan citizenship instruction at the time of each general election. No district should be waived from teaching students about citizenship in our democracy! Ask Senators to have the Muncie Community Schools follow the same Indiana school laws that the General Assembly has told all other school districts to follow. Concern #3: For the first time, a public school district in debt and financial distress could lose its public school board in favor of an “advisory committee”. The Gary Public Schools are already under control of an emergency manager who has full control of all district decisions under legislation passed last year in 2017. The powers of the school board have been suspended until the emergency manager recommends to the Distressed Unit Appeal Board (DUAB) that the financial crisis has been repaired and that a return to local control is appropriate. This process could require several years. Given that it already has no power, it is surprising that HB 1315 ends the institution of the school board in favor of a new entity called an “advisory committee” which “may not hold a meeting more than once every three (3) months.” The institution of the school board has served Indiana well for over one hundred years. When financial mismanagement requires that an emergency manager take over to make budgetary corrections, the citizens of Indiana can understand and would assume that after corrective actions have been taken and financial stability has been restored, power to run the public schools would be returned to the local school board under new leadership.
Opponents of public education have long said that school boards should be dissolved and all schools should become charter schools. Is this bill the camel’s nose under the tent for the proposition that we don’t need school boards which represent the community? Is this the first step to losing control of our public schools by community school boards? Ask Senators to maintain the institution of the school board for all public school districts so that when financial distress and debt problems have been resolved by an emergency manager, local control can be returned to the local community through a school board, an institution that has stood the test of time. Concern #4: For the first time, any public school district could be put on a watch list for financial mismanagement which could potentially be made public before detailed reviews have guaranteed the accuracy of the financial assessment. The confidentiality of preliminary data must be guaranteed. Our generational question in Indiana is “Can the public have confidence in our public schools?” Any appearance on a “watch list” for financial instability can deeply shake public confidence in any school district, so any such designation must be treated with extreme caution and vetted for absolute accuracy. Some have called this plan a “shame list” and point out the damage that could be done to public confidence if premature and inaccurate data is made public. Ask Senators to amend the fiscal indicators section of HB 1315 to permit the Distressed Unit Appeal Board (DUAB) to consider “watch lists” in confidential executive sessions so that no district will prematurely get a black eye in the public’s mind until accuracy has been certified. Take Action This Week Send the Senators listed above one or all of these messages to protect our public schools:
If you are concerned with any of these four points, it is important that you communicate your concerns to members of the Senate Appropriations Committee listed above as soon as possible. Go to the Indiana General Assembly website for easy connections to the email of Senators on the committee. Thank you for actively supporting public education in Indiana! Best wishes, Vic Smith [email protected] “Vic’s Statehouse Notes” and ICPE received one of three Excellence in Media Awards presented by Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, an organization of over 85,000 women educators in seventeen countries. The award was presented on July 30, 2014 during the Delta Kappa Gamma International Convention held in Indianapolis. Thank you Delta Kappa Gamma! ICPE has worked since 2011 to promote public education in the Statehouse and oppose the privatization of schools. We need your membership to help support ICPE lobbying efforts. As of July 1st, the start of our new membership year, it is time for all ICPE members to renew their membership. Our lobbyist Joel Hand is representing ICPE extremely well in the 2018 short session. We need your memberships and your support to continue his work. We welcome additional members and additional donations. We need your help and the help of your colleagues who support public education! Please pass the word! Join ICPE-MC. Some readers have asked about my background in Indiana public schools. Thanks for asking! Here is a brief bio: I am a lifelong Hoosier and began teaching in 1969. I served as a social studies teacher, curriculum developer, state research and evaluation consultant, state social studies consultant, district social studies supervisor, assistant principal, principal, educational association staff member, and adjunct university professor. I worked for Garrett-Keyser-Butler Schools, the Indiana University Social Studies Development Center, the Indiana Department of Education, the Indianapolis Public Schools, IUPUI, and the Indiana Urban Schools Association, from which I retired as Associate Director in 2009. I hold three degrees: B.A. in Ed., Ball State University, 1969; M.S. in Ed., Indiana University, 1972; and Ed.D., Indiana University, 1977, along with a Teacher’s Life License and a Superintendent’s License, 1998. In 2013 I was honored to receive a Distinguished Alumni Award from the IU School of Education, and in 2014 I was honored to be named to the Teacher Education Hall of Fame by the Association for Teacher Education – Indiana. Speech given by Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer
Date: 2/19/18 Location: Rally for Public Education at the Indiana Statehouse Our legislators are failing our children. They are tasked with the support for public education in Indiana and, instead, they are making it a commodity. The laws and educational policies they’ve put in place have created a marketplace of schools, where it’s about “a parent’s right to choose” and not a social responsibility. This is not about your children or my children: it’s about ALL of our children. Our state constitution does not guarantee our kids a “school choice” or “a quality education IF you can get it.” It says: “Knowledge and learning, … being essential to the preservation of a free government; it should be the duty of the General Assembly to encourage … and provide, by law, for a general and uniform system of Common Schools, wherein tuition shall be without charge, and equally open to all.” Their duty is to provide equal educational opportunity—not a competition for it. Not high quality schools if you win the lottery. Their job is to support our public schools and fund them. 5 years ago I stood here and said, "We think it is wrong that our PTAs have to hold bake sales and put pretty baskets up for auction while politicians redirect millions of our tax dollars to private schools." That was 2013 when the amount of money our state spent on vouchers totaled $37 million. Last year it was $146 million. How many cookies do we have to bake to make up for that? What kind of auction would retrieve the money that is flushed down the toilet with every charter school that goes belly up? We have spent well over a billion dollars on charters since 2011 and one in five have closed. What would our public schools have done with that money? Instead, people are making money off of these ventures—profiting off of our children. What happens when education policy is determined by businessmen and legislators and NOT educators? Pushing kids onto tracks for college and career readiness. My son at 13 and, in 7th grade, is now taking a test to find out what career he should be thinking about preparing his schedule for in high school—a year and a half away. He came home from school last week and said, “Mami: I don’t WANT to be an adoption counselor or a grief counselor, but that’s what the test said I should be.” I said, “Don’t worry about that test, sweetie. Just try your best in your classes. Those tests are for making someone rich. It’s not time to figure out your career, yet.” So, instead of focusing on empathy and kindness for just being a part of HUMANITY, these policies are pushing my son to look at his traits and abilities in terms of what they can bring to BUSINESS and the workforce. He is a child: trying to figure out who he is, how to rein in emotions, how to communicate well, how to think outside the box—and our state legislators are trying to force him into one. You can call the test I-STEP or I-LEARN or I-MAKE-MONEY-FOR-PEARSON, but as long as the stakes are attached to the scores, as long as you are basing the future of schools, teachers and, yes, our KIDS, on a culturally/racially-biased, limited, and reflecting-socioeconomic status, standardized test score, you aren’t creating pathways, you’re creating social inequality. The promise of public education is equity—it’s supposed to be the great equalizer, not the great workforce provider. Its purpose is DEMOCRACY and our legislators are currently deciding if they are against this, too. #HB1315 the state takeover of schools bill. Democracy is messy and government can be disappointingly imperfect. But the answer is not to give up our power or our right to vote. It most certainly is not for our government to decide who gets democratic participation & representation and who does not. Do we punish schools struggling financially or support them? Do we take schools that have lost funding and opportunity, purposefully starve them further, and then grade them and take them over based on how financially stable they are? Our legislature is shirking their responsibility to care for the most vulnerable of our society while blaming schools, teachers and kids for not trying hard enough to succeed. Poverty is at the heart of our public school troubles, it’s a societal problem and it will take all of us as a community to work together to solve. It’s an economic problem that involves economic development solutions. And, at the center of a solution to a community problem must be real power-- by including voices that have been marginalized and joining together all voices, to effect change. We know what happens when the public is kept out of decision-making power—we’ve seen the news in Michigan. We know that when public accountability is removed and top down decisions occur, it’s as toxic to democracy as the water that children in Flint drank. We must stand in solidarity with our fellow citizens of Gary and Muncie. We must demand the senate appropriations committee create a timeline for a return to local control. Our schools and school boards are democracy in action. Our fellow citizens, community members, who are accountable to us, not those who appoint them-- are what puts the “public” in public education. It’s not just about Gary or Muncie—your school community could be next. Please join ICPE. Help us organize and inform our communities, defend public education, and help fulfill its promise for all of our children. Bills We’re Not Fans of: HB1315 – School corporation financial management. The bill would hand control of Muncie Community Schools over to Ball State University (BSU). The local community would lose control of school as school board as new board would be appointed by Ball State trustees (who themselves appointed by the state of Indiana). For all other teachers in the state, the bill would hold classroom teachers responsible for the state of a school districts' finances by specifically calling for the termination of up to 5 percent of the teacher force by the end of a fall semester, if a district is designated as being in fiscal distress. These actions would no doubt impact student learning, academic goals and increase class sizes in the middle of a school year. Read more here and here and here and here. SB33 - Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. This has been referred to the House Public Policy committee. GUNS DON'T BELONG ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Update: The bill has passed and will now go to the House. SB387 – Teacher Licensing. This bill is a potluck bill. Lots going on. Thankfully the 10% unlicensed teachers allowed in public schools line was removed. However, while most teacher salary bills died in committee, this one has a salary element lives on and it's one that does not benefit the collective whole (it does the opposite). A part of this bill would allow administrators to give supplemental pay bonuses to a select few teachers (special needs and STEM), at the expense of others, without bargaining these decisions. The effect would be the loss of some, or all, funds available for the rest of the teacher force. The extra pay comes out of the pockets of every other teacher, as this bill does not include additional funding. Also, stipends could be taken away at any time — they never become part of an employees’ base pay. This erodes bargaining, and the value of bargaining, because annually the interests of all get weighed and decisions are made based upon both short and longer-term interests. SB 65 – Instruction on Human Sexuality. The bill would prohibit a school from providing instruction on human sexuality unless parents sign a consent form to opt-in to the class. Read more here. Please note that ACLU is also against this legislation. They state: Senate Bill 65, which would limit instruction on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” in public schools, is so broadly worded that it could prevent schools from discussing any LGBTQ issues without express written permission from parents. UPDATE - It is now opt-out, which is a big improvement. Timeframe for a parent/guardian to respond to opt-out has been adjusted from 45 to 21 days. SB384 - Freeway School Corporations and Schools. This bill is questionable because it could result in more capacity for voucher students. The majority of freeway schools are private schools that accept vouchers. This bill would allow them to be accredited for longer as a Freeway school as they try to improve the minimum educational benefits required to maintain accreditation. You can call your legislator by finding his/her info here. MONDAY Bills to Be Read by the House on February 19 at 8:30 a.m. SB24 (THIRD READING) - Passed; Roll Call 181: yeas 94, nays 2 Student possession and use of sunscreen. Provides that a student may possess and use a topical, non-aerosol sunscreen product while on school property or at a school sponsored event or activity without being required to: (1) have a physician's note or prescription; or (2) store the topical, non-aerosol sunscreen product in a specific location; if the product is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration for over-the-counter use for the purpose of limiting ultraviolet light-induced skin damage. Allows school personnel to assist a student in applying the sunscreen if the school has written permission from the student's parent or guardian. Provides certain civil immunity for school corporations, schools, and school personnel for any action taken to comply with the sunscreen provisions. Bills to Be Read by the Senate on February 19 at 1:30 p.m. HB1001 (SECOND READING) Education funding. Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount when it exceeds the appropriated amount. Expires this provision on June 30, 2019. Expires the provision that limits the maximum state distributions for a state fiscal year to the amount appropriated by the general assembly on June 30, 2019. Specifies the ADM count for kindergarten pupils. Makes conforming changes. HB1167 (SECOND READING) School corporation financial management. Permits money in a school corporation's operations fund at the end of a year to be transferred to the school corporation's rainy day fund. Combines various levies into a single operations fund levy beginning in 2019. Changes provisions concerning the education fund and operations fund. Specifies the items to be included in a school corporation's capital projects plan. Changes the reasons for which a school corporation may appeal to increase the school corporation's operations fund levy for transportation purposes. Requires an appeal to increase or a petition to adjust the maximum operations fund levy for a year to be filed before October 20 of the preceding year. Resolves conflicts among various 2017 acts that take effect before the education funding and accounting changes made by HEA 1009-2017. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may transfer amounts that are levied for the debt service fund to cover unreimbursed costs of certain curricular materials to the curricular materials rental fund, the extracurricular account, or the education fund. Provides that in carrying out a curricular materials rental program, the governing body may control the program through the school corporation's curricular materials rental fund or education fund. Make technical changes. TUESDAY Bills to Be Read by the Senate on February 20 at 1:30 p.m. HB1001 Third reading: passed; Education funding. Requires the budget agency to transfer from the K-12 state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to cover the K-12 state tuition distribution amount when it exceeds the appropriated amount. Expires this provision on June 30, 2019. Expires the provision that limits the maximum state distributions for a state fiscal year to the amount appropriated by the general assembly on June 30, 2019. Specifies the ADM count for kindergarten pupils. Makes conforming changes. HB1167 THIRD READING, No vote yet. School corporation financial management. Permits money in a school corporation's operations fund at the end of a year to be transferred to the school corporation's rainy day fund. Combines various levies into a single operations fund levy beginning in 2019. Changes provisions concerning the education fund and operations fund. Specifies the items to be included in a school corporation's capital projects plan. Changes the reasons for which a school corporation may appeal to increase the school corporation's operations fund levy for transportation purposes. Requires an appeal to increase or a petition to adjust the maximum operations fund levy for a year to be filed before October 20 of the preceding year. Resolves conflicts among various 2017 acts that take effect before the education funding and accounting changes made by HEA 1009-2017. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may transfer amounts that are levied for the debt service fund to cover unreimbursed costs of certain curricular materials to the curricular materials rental fund, the extracurricular account, or the education fund. Provides that in carrying out a curricular materials rental program, the governing body may control the program through the school corporation's curricular materials rental fund or education fund. Make technical changes. Bills to Be Read by the House Education Committee on February 20 at 8:30 a.m. SB65 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 5; (Voted on 02/20) Instruction on human sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Provides that, before a school may provide a student with instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent of instruction. Provides that a consent form provided to a parent of a student or a student must accurately summarize the contents and nature of the instruction on human sexuality that will be provided to the student and indicate that a parent of a student or an adult or emancipated minor student has the right to review and inspect all materials related to the instruction on human sexuality. Provides that the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, may return the consent form indicating that the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that, if the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, does not respond to the written request provided by the school within 45 days of receiving the request, the school shall provide the parent of the student, or the adult or emancipated minor student, a written notice requesting that the parent of the student, or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, indicate whether the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that the parent or the adult or emancipated student may subsequently opt out of the instruction. SB172 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/20) Referred to Committee on Ways and Means Computer science. Establishes the next level computer science grant program (program) and the next level computer science fund (fund) to award grants, after June 30, 2019, to eligible entities to implement teacher professional development programs for training in teaching computer science. Requires the department of education (department) to: (1) administer the program and fund; and (2) develop, in consultation with the governor's office, guidelines to award grants from the fund to eligible entities. Requires, not later than August 1, 2018, the state superintendent of public instruction to enter into a contract for professional development services. Requires the department to biannually submit a progress report to the governor regarding the: (1) development and administration of the program and fund; and (2) status of public schools in meeting computer science curriculum requirements. Provides that, if the department does not comply with the requirements regarding the program and fund, the state board of education shall assume the department's duties. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to offer a computer science course as a one semester elective course in its curriculum at least once each school year to high school students. Requires (beginning July 1, 2021) each public school to include computer science in the public school's science curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 12. SB217 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 13; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/20) Dyslexia. Requires the following: (1) A school multidisciplinary team must include information about dyslexia in a student's educational evaluation if the multidisciplinary team determines that the student is eligible to receive special education and related services and has or has characteristics of dyslexia. (2) Information about dyslexia must be: (A) discussed by the student's case conference committee if information about dyslexia is included in the student's educational evaluation; and (B) included in the student's individualized education program if the case conference committee determines that the information should be included. Requires school corporations and charter schools to screen: (1) each student in kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2; and (2) certain other students. Establishes requirements regarding dyslexia screenings, notifications to parents, and dyslexia intervention services (including instructional approaches). Requires school corporations and charter schools to: (1) use the response to intervention process to address needs of students who are determined to have characteristics of dyslexia; and (2) obtain parental consent before administering a level I dyslexia screening or a level II dyslexia screening. Allows a student's parent to elect to have an independent comprehensive dyslexia evaluation of the student. Requires school corporations and charter schools to report annually to the department of education (department) regarding the number of students who were: (1) administered the initial dyslexia screening during the school year; and (2) determined to be at risk, or at some risk, for dyslexia. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report on the school corporation's or charter school's Internet web site certain information regarding dyslexia. Requires, not later than July 1, 2019, the department to employ at least one dyslexia specialists. Establishes the: (1) requirements for a dyslexia specialist; and (2) services the dyslexia specialist is required to provide. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, each school corporation and charter school to employ at least one individual to serve as a dyslexia interventionist for the school corporation or charter school. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, the department to ensure that each teacher receives professional awareness information on dyslexia. Requires the department to develop and update an Indiana dyslexia resource guide. SB354 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 12; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/20) Freeway school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall, upon request by a freeway school corporation or a freeway school, waive certain educational benefit requirements for a period of not more than 36 months. Provides that the state board may not grant a waiver after January 1, 2019. Provides that a freeway school corporation or freeway school may receive a waiver for that freeway school corporation or freeway school only one time. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying the accreditation of elementary and high schools in Indiana Bills to Be Read by the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee on February 20 at 9:00 a.m. HB1039 (IN COMMITTEE) Study of tax topics. Urges the legislative council to have the interim study committee on fiscal policy study the following: (1) Whether the annual limit on the adjusted gross income tax credit for contributions to a college choice 529 savings plan should be modified in some way to allow a taxpayer to make greater contributions earlier in the taxpayer's schedule of savings. (2) The implications of changes made by the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to the allowable uses of 529 plans. (3) Whether the adjusted gross income tax deduction for education expenditures should be extended to include expenditures made in connection with the enrollment, attendance, and participation in a public school elementary or high school education program. WEDNESDAY Bills to Be Read by the House Public Policy Committee on February 21 at 9:00 a.m SB33 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/21) Houses of worship and firearms. Permits a person who may legally possess a firearm to possess a firearm on school property, unless prohibited by the house of worship, if the person possesses the firearm: (1) as an employee or volunteer of a house of worship located on the school property; or (2) while attending a worship service or religious ceremony conducted at a house of worship. Bills to Be Read by the House Natural Resources Committee on February 21 at 12:30 p.m. SB236 DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 0; (Voted on 02/21) Say's Firefly designated as state insect. Designates Pyractomena angulata, also known as "Say's Firefly", as the official state insect of Indiana. Bills to Be Read by the Senate Education and Career Development Committee on February 21 at 1:30 p.m. HB1024 DO PASS Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 (Voted on 2/21) Heat preparedness training for coaches. Provides that head coaches and assistant coaches who coach interscholastic sports or intramural sports must complete a certified coaching education course that includes content for prevention of or response to heat related medical issues that may arise from a student athlete's training. HB1074 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 (Voted on 2/21) Various higher education matters. Makes changes regarding the: (1) conditions required to qualify for the renewal of a twenty-first century scholars program scholarship; and (2) award amounts to twenty-first century scholars program scholarship applicants who attend a private, approved postsecondary educational institution. Makes the following changes concerning the primary care shortage area scholarship: (1) Amends the practice requirements to receive a scholarship. (2) Amends the repayment requirements for noncompliance with a primary care practice agreement. (3) Allows the commission for higher education (commission) to impose and collect interest on unpaid repayment amounts. (4) Provides that, if the commission and a recipient of a scholarship enter into a new written agreement that complies with the primary care shortage area scholarship provisions, the commission and recipient may terminate an agreement entered into or renewed before July 1, 2018. Requires the chairperson of the commission to appoint a: (1) seven member student member nominating committee; and (2) seven member faculty member nominating committee. (Current law requires the chairperson to appoint a ten member nominating committee of five student members and five faculty members.) Modifies the procedures that a state educational institution must use to dispose of real estate (including any real estate acquired by gift, bequest, or devise). Provides that an applicant who: (1) does not maintain satisfactory academic progress as required to be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant; but (2) meets other certain conditions; is still eligible for the grant. Repeals certain statutes concerning: (1) the disposition of gifts, bequests, and devises of real estate to state educational institutions; and (2) matters that pertain to the closing process in the disposition of real estate by a state educational institution. Makes conforming amendments. Removes an expired provision. HB1230 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 (Voted on 2/21) School safety. Requires the department of education (department) to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site providing parents and school officials with resources or best practices regarding the prevention or reporting of bullying and cyberbullying. Requires the state board of education and school corporations to maintain an Internet link to the department's Internet web site on their Internet web sites. Requires the department to maintain a link on the department's Internet web site regarding the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Requires certain employees of a school corporation or an accredited nonpublic school to receive at least one hour of inservice training every two years pertaining to the identification and reporting of human trafficking. Provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer or through a cellular telephone or other wireless or cellular communications device. (Current law provides that a school corporation's disciplinary rules pertaining to bullying must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer.) HB1314 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 (Voted on 2/21) Students receiving foster care services. Requires the State board of education to, in collaboration with the department of education (department) and the of child services, prepare a report on foster care youth educational outcomes. Requires the department to, before November 1, 2018, and before November 1 each year thereafter, submit the report to the department of child services and legislative council. Requires certain information regarding students receiving foster care to be included in a school corporation's annual performance report. Requires the department of child services to, not later than 10 days after a child who attends public school is placed in foster care, notify the department that the child has been placed in foster care. HB1398 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 8; Nays: 2 (Voted on 2/21) Coalition of school corporations. Provides that the state board of education (state board) may approve a coalition of continuous improvement school districts (coalition). Provides that certain statutes or rules may be suspended for a coalition member. Specifies that the state board may approve a plan submitted by a proposed coalition that requests the suspension of all or portions of IC 20-30 (curriculum) only if the suspension is related to a specific goal of the proposed coalition. Requires, not later than November 1, 2019, the department of education to annually report to the legislative council information regarding the impact to aschool in a coalition that includes the following: (1) The fiscal impact on a school that participates in a coalition. (2) The qualifications of each teacher who teaches in a coalition. (3) The type of future employment for which a student in a coalition is trained and the amount and terms of compensation (if applicable) that a student receives through a coalition's partnership with a member of business or industry. (4) The impact of a coalition member's participation in a coalition on the coalition member's graduation rates. (5) Information regarding where a student in a coalition later obtains full-time employment. HB1426 DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0 (Voted on 2/21) Education matters. Urges the legislative council during the 2018 through 2020 interims to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying issues relating to a school corporation's ability to provide adequate career counseling to students. Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires the state board to create an alternate diploma for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Allows the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma. Provides that, for each school year beginning after June 30, 2019, a high school shall administer as part of the statewide assessment a nationally recognized college entrance exam. Eliminates the requirement of end of course assessments to be administered as part of the statewide assessment program. Provides that a high school shall administer science as part of the statewide assessment. Resolves a conflict in a provision that requires the state board to develop guidelines to assist secondary schools to identify students likely to require remediation. Eliminates a requirement that a student must take a college and career readiness examination if the student is identified under the guidelines developed by the state board to likely be in need of remediation. Provides that certain statewide assessments must use a scale score that will ensure the statewide assessment scores are comparable to assessment scoring used as part of the ISTEP program, before its expiration. Provides that a student may receive a waiver from the postsecondary readiness competency requirements that are part of the graduation pathway requirements if the student meets certain conditions. Provides that the state board of education may authorize the use of the graduation examination as a graduation requirement for cohorts that graduate before July 1, 2023. Adds a provision to the list of purposes for which a charter school may limit new admissions to the charter school. Makes conforming amendments. HB1356 (TESTIMONY ONLY) Bullying. Provides that a school corporation is not required to report the number of incidents of bullying in the school corporation's annual school performance report. Provides that information reported by a school corporation relating to the number of incidents of bullying that occur may not be used in calculation of a school's annual school improvement grade. Provides that the department of education (department) must annually send notification via electronic mail or a letter to each school corporation explaining: (1) the school corporation's obligation to submit a report to the department containing the number of bullying incidents involving a student; and (2) that the department may conduct an audit of the school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department may conduct an audit of a school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department must report discrepancies of an audit on the department's Internet web site. Requires the department to conduct a statewide survey concerning the improvement of school corporation reporting of incidents of bullying involving a student to the department. Requires, not later than November 1, 2018, the department to submit a report to the general assembly. HB1399 (TESTIMONY ONLY) Elementary school teacher content area licenses. Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, the state board of education shall adopt rules to establish one or more elementary school teacher content area licenses that must, at a minimum, include an: (1) elementary mathematics specialist license; and (2) elementary mathematics and science teacher license. Establishes requirements to be eligible for an elementary mathematics specialist license and an elementary mathematics and science teacher license. Requires the department of education (department) to develop an incentive program to assist and reward teachers who pursue and earn an elementary school teacher content area license. Provides that the department shall make recommendations to the general assembly regarding ways to accomplish the goals of the incentive program. HB1420 (TESTIMONY ONLY) Various education matters. Makes changes relating to how parents of students are nominated and approved to be members of the commission on seclusion and restraint in schools. Provides that a student with special needs who has a service plan or a choice scholarship education plan may be admitted to the Indiana School for the Deaf. Provides that a student who is withdrawn from enrollment from a virtual charter school for failure to participate in courses pursuant to the school's student engagement policy may not reenroll in that same virtual charter school for the school year in which the student is withdrawn. Defines "education records". Requires an organizer of a charter school that is closing for any reason to establish a charter school protocol that explains to a parent of a student enrolled in the charter school the procedure that the charter school uses to transfer a student's education records. Provides that a Cambridge International course may be used for the following purposes: (1) As the basis for a supplemental payment to a teacher who teaches a Cambridge International course. (2) As one of the assessments that a student in grades 10 through 12 voluntarily plans to take. (3) As an additional curriculum model available to high school students. (4) As a replacement for certain high school courses on a student's high school transcript. (5) For a student's receipt of credits toward graduation by demonstrating proficiency in a course or subject area. (6) To place a student who is a child of a military family in the appropriate course when the student transfers to a new school. (7) For purposes of determining eligibility for various higher education scholarship and awards programs and amounts. Provides that each student who enrolls in a Cambridge course may take the accompanying Cambridge International examination to receive high school credit for the Cambridge course. Requires the department of education and the state board of education to provide that a successfully completed Cambridge course is credited toward fulfilling the requirements of an Indiana diploma that contains the Core 40 with academic honors designation. Subject to certain conditions, provides that an individual or entity must: (1) notify a public school regarding an alleged violation of law; and (2) indicate a proposed remedy; before the individual or entity may file a civil action or an administrative proceeding against the public school. Provides that after receiving a notice from an individual or entity, a public school may take the following actions: (1) Remedy the alleged violation or violations. (2) Make a written offer to settle a dispute. Provides that a proposed remedy offered by an individual or entity must include the following: (1) A specific request for relief. (2) An opportunity for the public school to offer the individual or entity the relief requested before the individual or entity initiates a civil action or administrative proceeding against the public school. Specifies that if an individual or entity does not notify the public school before filing a civil action or administrative proceeding, a court, administrative law judge, or hearing officer shall dismiss the civil action or administrative proceeding without prejudice. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the impact of litigation on school corporations and charter schools. Provides that an issuing officer shall issue an employment certificate to a student who attends a nonaccredited nonpublic school after receiving: (1) proof of age; and (2) proof of prospective employment. Provides that a child who attends a nonaccredited nonpublic school who is seeking an employment certificate from a school the child does not attend must also present to the issuing officer an attestation from the student's parent that the student is enrolled in school. Provides that a written statement may be submitted to the issuing officer via facsimile or electronic mail. Provide that the student may not work more than three hours on a school day other than a Friday. Repeals a provision concerning the transfer of student records. Makes conforming amendments. Resolves a conflict between P.L.217-2017 and P.L.250-2017. HB1421 (TESTIMONY ONLY) School discipline. Provides that the department of education's (department) model evidence based plan for improving student behavior and discipline must: (1) reduce out-of-school suspension and disproportionality in discipline and expulsion; and (2) limit referrals to law enforcement or arrests on school property to cases in which referral to law enforcement or arrest is necessary to protect the health and safety of other students or school employees. Provides that, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the department, in collaboration with parent organizations and state educational institutions, shall, upon a school corporation's request, provide information and assistance to the school corporation regarding the implementation of the school corporation's evidence based plan to ensure that teachers and administrators receive appropriate professional development and other resources in preparation for carrying out the plan. Urges the legislative council is urged to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying the use of positive student discipline and restorative justice practices by elementary and secondary schools. Requires the department to conduct a survey of school corporation school discipline policies to determine the extent to which positive discipline and restorative justice practices are being utilized. SR21 (TESTIMONY ONLY) A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the legislative council to assign the topic of autism and public education to the appropriate study committee. THURSDAY Bills to Be Read by the House Education Committee on February 22 at 8:30 a.m. SB303 Reassigned to 2/27 Various Education Matters. Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Requires the commission for higher education, in collaboration with the state board of education, to establish a uniform online system of certain staff performance evaluation data. Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Provides that certain students who are eligible to receive a tuition and fee exemption because the students are children of a veteran must maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress, which may not be less than a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale or its equivalent as established by the eligible institution. (Current law requires the student to maintain at least a cumulative grade point average that the eligible institution determines is satisfactory academic progress.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes. SB387 Reassigned to 2/27 Teacher Licensing. Provides that the department of education (department) may grant an initial practitioner license to an individual who: (1) took the content area examination twice and did not pass; (2) received a score that is not more than one standard error of measure lower than the passing score for the examination; (3) has been hired by a school corporation; and (4) meets certain other requirements. Provides that a school corporation may, for open teaching positions in the school corporation each school year, hire not more than 10% of individuals who meet the requirements to be eligible for an initial practitioner license without passing the content area examination. Requires a school corporation to notify the department if the school corporation hires an individual who is eligible for an initial practitioner license without passing the content area examination. Requires an individual who receives an initial practitioner license without passing the content area examination to participate in and successfully complete the Indiana mentor and assessment program. Establishes requirements for renewal of an initial practitioner license for an individual who did not pass the content area examination. Establishes eligibility requirements for a career specialist permit. Provides that an applicant may not obtain a proficient practitioner license unless the applicant has passed the approved content area examination in the subject matter area in which the applicant intends to teach. Provides that, for school years beginning after June 30, 2018, a school corporation may provide a supplemental payment to a teacher in excess of the salary specified in the school corporation's compensation plan if the teacher: (1) is a special education teacher; or (2) teaches in the areas of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Provides that the supplemental payment is not subject to collective bargaining but must be discussed. Requires the department to post on the department's Internet web site the pass rate of the content area examination for each postsecondary educational institution. Bills to Be Read by the House on February 22 at 10:00 a.m. HB1167 Third Reading School Corporation Financial Management. Permits money in a school corporation's operations fund at the end of a year to be transferred to the school corporation's rainy day fund. Combines various levies into a single operations fund levy beginning in 2019. Changes provisions concerning the education fund and operations fund. Specifies the items to be included in a school corporation's capital projects plan. Changes the reasons for which a school corporation may appeal to increase the school corporation's operations fund levy for transportation purposes. Requires an appeal to increase or a petition to adjust the maximum operations fund levy for a year to be filed before October 20 of the preceding year. Resolves conflicts among various 2017 acts that take effect before the education funding and accounting changes made by HEA 1009-2017. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may transfer amounts that are levied for the debt service fund to cover unreimbursed costs of certain curricular materials to the curricular materials rental fund, the extracurricular account, or the education fund. Provides that in carrying out a curricular materials rental program, the governing body may control the program through the school corporation's curricular materials rental fund or education fund. Make technical changes. Bills to Be Read by the Senate on February 22 at 1:30 p.m. SB65 Second Reading, amended, ordered engrossed Instruction on Human Sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Provides that, before a school may provide a student with instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, with a written request for consent of instruction. Provides that a consent form provided to a parent of a student or a student must accurately summarize the contents and nature of the instruction on human sexuality that will be provided to the student and indicate that a parent of a student or an adult or emancipated minor student has the right to review and inspect all materials related to the instruction on human sexuality. Provides that the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, may return the consent form indicating that the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that, if the parent of the student or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, does not respond to the written request provided by the school within 45 days of receiving the request, the school shall provide the parent of the student, or the adult or emancipated minor student, a written notice requesting that the parent of the student, or the student, if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor, indicate whether the parent of the student or the adult or emancipated student: (1) consents to the instruction; or (2) declines instruction. Provides that the parent or the adult or emancipated student may subsequently opt out of the instruction. SB217 Second Reading (not heard, pushed to next week) Dyslexia. Requires the following: (1) A school multidisciplinary team must include information about dyslexia in a student's educational evaluation if the multidisciplinary team determines that the student is eligible to receive special education and related services and has or has characteristics of dyslexia. (2) Information about dyslexia must be: (A) discussed by the student's case conference committee if information about dyslexia is included in the student's educational evaluation; and (B) included in the student's individualized education program if the case conference committee determines that the information should be included. Provides that a school corporation and charter school's reading plan shall include indicators to screen for risk factors of dyslexia, using a screening tool approved by the department of education (department). Requires school corporations and charter schools to: (1) use the response to intervention process to address needs of students who are determined to have characteristics of dyslexia; and (2) obtain parental consent before administering a level I dyslexia screening or a level II dyslexia screening. Provides that dyslexia interventions may include certain types of instruction. Requires school corporations and charter schools to report annually to the department regarding the number of students who were: (1) administered the initial dyslexia screening during the school year; and (2) determined to be at risk, or at some risk, for dyslexia. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report on the school corporation's or charter school's Internet web site certain information regarding dyslexia. Requires, not later than July 1, 2019, the department to employ at least one reading specialist trained in dyslexia. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, each school corporation and charter school to employ at least one individual to serve as an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia for the school corporation or charter school. Provides that a school corporation or charter school may receive a waiver from hiring an authorized reading specialist trained in dyslexia in certain circumstances. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, the department to ensure that each teacher receives professional awareness information on dyslexia. Requires the department to develop and update an Indiana dyslexia resource guide. SB297 Second Reading, ordered engrossed Employability Skills Curriculum Provides that the department of workforce development will establish standards that provide students with career and college planning resources under the Indiana career explorer program and standards. (Current law provides that the department of workforce development will establish curriculum under the Indiana career explorer program and curriculum.) Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of education (department), in conjunction with the department of workforce development and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Provides that, if the department determines that the pilot program for instruction in and use of the Indiana career explorer program and standards should be extended, the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development, must increase the number of schools involved in the pilot program by at least 15 additional schools, if possible based on the interest from schools. Provides that the state board of education, in consultation with the department and the department of workforce development, may approve an alternative Internet based system and standards (Current law provides that the department, in consultation with the department of workforce development may approve alternative Internet based system and standards.) Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program). Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program. SB354 Second Reading, ordered engrossed Freeway School Corporations and Schools Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall, upon request by a freeway school corporation or a freeway school, waive certain educational benefit requirements for a period of not more than 36 months..Provides that a freeway school corporation or freeway school may receive a waiver for that freeway school corporation or freeway school only one time. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying the accreditation of elementary and high schools in Indiana. Errors, corrections, comments? Contact us here. Please consider becoming a member! Join here. Compiled by Meghann Goetz and Keri Miksza |
September 2024