The following bill to be reviewed (3rd reading and vote) by the House on Tuesday, 3/28:
SB 475 - Developmental delay. Requires the state board of education to amend its rule establishing developmental delay as a disability category to provide that, beginning July 1, 2018, developmental delay is a disability category solely for students who are at least three years of age and less than nine years of age. (Currently, developmental delay is a disability category solely for students who are at least three years of age and not more than five years of age.) Adds developmental delay as a category for mild and moderate disabilities for purposes of determining special education grant amounts. The following bills are to be reviewed by the House Education Committee on Tuesday, 3/28: SB 61 - School resource officers. Requires the commission on seclusion and restraint in schools (commission) to adopt rules concerning reporting requirements for the use of seclusion and restraint by school resource officers. Requires that the commission include a member of the National Association of School Resource Officers. Provides that a school corporation, accredited nonpublic school, or charter school must report incidents of seclusion and restraint involving a school resource officer. Provides that the commission may adopt emergency rules under IC 4-22-2-37.1. Voids a rule adopted by the commission that excludes school resource officers from the reporting requirements. SB 108 - Education matters. Provides that when a school corporation authorizes an absence to permit a student to attend any educationally related nonclassroom activity, the student may not be recorded as being absent on any date for which the excuse is operative and may not be penalized by the school. Provides that an initial school improvement plan must be established and approved by the governing body not later than August 1 of the school year in which the plan is to be implemented. Requires: (1) the Indiana education employment relations board (board) to publish a model compensation plan with a model salary range that a school corporation may adopt; (2) each school corporation to submit its local compensation plan to the board; and (3) the board to publish local compensation plans on the board's Internet web site. (Under current law, the department of education publishes and oversees the model compensation plan and local compensation plans.) Provides that the board: (1) shall review a compensation plan for compliance; and (2) has jurisdiction to determine compliance of a compensation plan submitted. Establishes an expiration for emergency rules that the board adopts. Requires a school corporation that has a compensation plan but does not have a ratified collective bargaining agreement to, not later than October 1 of the year in which the compensation plan becomes effective, submit the school corporation's compensation plan to the board. Provides that, if a school corporation does not submit the compensation plan by October 1, the compensation plan is considered not in compliance unless a compliance officer of the board finds good cause shown for the delay. Provides that a principal or superintendent, or the principal's or superintendent's designee, may recommend an individual to participate in the Indiana high school equivalency diploma program. Allows the governing body of a school corporation to deny a request for a student to transfer to the school corporation or discontinue enrollment, or establish terms or conditions for enrollment or for continued enrollment, if the student has a history of unexcused absences and the governing body believes that, based on the location of the student's residence, attendance would be a problem. Requires the department of education (department), in collaboration with the state board of education, to prepare a report that includes recommendations regarding certificated employee evaluations. Requires the department, not later than November 1, 2017, to submit the report to the general assembly. SB 182 - Superintendent contracts. Provides that a contract entered into or renewed after June 30, 2017, between a governing body and its superintendent is subject to the following conditions: (1) The contract must, with an exception for an extension, be for a term of at least 1 year and not more than 3 years. (2) If the contract contains a provision that establishes an amount the governing body must pay to the superintendent to buy out the contract, the amount may not be more than the an amount equal to the lesser of: (A) the superintendent's salary for any one year under the contract; or (B) $250,000. SB 355 -Child abuse education and policies. Requires, not later than July 1, 2018, the department of education (department) to make available model educational materials and model response policies and reporting procedures concerning child abuse and child sexual abuse to assist schools with the implementation of: (1) child abuse and child sexual abuse education programs in kindergarten through grade 12; and (2) child abuse and child sexual abuse response and reporting policies. (Current law requires the department to make available the model educational materials and model response policies and reporting procedures concerning child abuse and child sexual abuse to assist schools with the implementation of: (1) child abuse and child sexual abuse education programs in grades 2 through 5; and (2) child abuse and child sexual abuse response and reporting policies.) Requires that the: (1) materials and guidelines provided to assist a safe school committee in developing a plan and policy for a school include the model educational materials and the model response policies and reporting procedures; and (2) plan and policy developed by the safe school committee; must address the issues of child abuse and child sexual abuse. Requires the child abuse and child sexual abuse response and reporting policies to include information on the duty to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Beginning in 2018, requires, not later than October 15 of each year, a public school, an accredited nonpublic school, and a charter school to provide age appropriate, research and evidence based instruction on child abuse and child sexual abuse to students in kindergarten through grade 12. SB 498 - Teacher compensation. Provides that certain factors may account for not more than 33.33% (instead of 33%) of the calculation used to determine a teacher's increase or increment in salary. Amends the factor concerning additional content area degrees and credit hours in determining a teacher's increase or increment in salary. Requires the department of education to grant an application to add an additional content area or areas to a valid Indiana teaching license if certain conditions apply. The following bills are to be reviewed by the Senate, Tuesday, 3/28 SB 114 - Professional licensing. Eliminates the jobs creation committee (committee). Transfers duties of the committee to the Indiana professional licensing agency. Makes conforming changes. SB 392 Emergency medication. Defines "emergency medication" as epinephrine, albuterol, or naloxone. Allows a school or school corporation to: (1) fill a prescription for an emergency medication; and (2) store the emergency medication. (Current law allows a school to fill a prescription for auto-injectable epinephrine and store the auto-injectable epinephrine.) Defines "emergency stock medication" as emergency medication to which both the following apply: (1) The prescription of the emergency medication is filled by a school or school corporation. (2) The emergency medication is stored at a school. Provides that injectable epinephrine filled by certain entities must have an expiration date of not less than 12 months from the date that the pharmacy dispenses the injectable epinephrine. Makes conforming changes regarding: (1) administering emergency stock medication; (2) prescribing and dispensing emergency medication; and (3) certain immunity from liability concerning the administration of emergency stock medication. Defines "school" and "school nurse". Requires the department of education (department) to develop guidance materials concerning emergency medication and post a copy of the materials on the department's Internet web site. Requires a school nurse or school employee to make a report if an emergency stock medication is administered and submit the report in an electronic format to the department. Comments are closed.
September 2024