Education bill digests in one convenient spot.
First, please note that some bills require action. They are listed first. Please contact your legislators. Against HB1315 Various Education Matters. This is a loaded bill that no one who supports public education would support. Please reach out to your legislators and let them know that you are against this bill. Read more about it here. HB1398 Coalition of school corporations. Contact your legislator to say put the brakes on HB 1398, scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday. It would establish vague "continuous improvement districts" which could suspend state statutes and rules for teachers licensure, curriculum, and calendar. Read more here. HB1166 Teacher Evaluations. Tell your legislator to just say no to HB 1166, which would increasingly tie teachers’ evaluations to test scores. In Favor HB1179 textbook bill. We support this bill as it would eliminate textbook fees in public schools. Please let your legislators know that you support this and believe it needs to be heard by the House Ways & Means Committee. Read more about it here. Other Bills to Keep an Eye On SB354 Freeway school corporations and schools. This bill could increase vouchers and voucher schools. Most freeway schools are voucher schools and this gives underperforming voucher schools a break. *** THIS PASSED THE SENATE on 1/23. MOVES TO HOUSE SB157 Real world career readiness program and SB297 Employability skills curriculum as they both give the Department of Workforce Development control over educational matters. MONDAY Education Bills to Be Heard by the House on Monday, 1/22 at 1:30 p.m. HB1024 - AMEND, DO PASS Heat preparedness training for coaches. HB1314 - AMEND, DO PASS Students receiving foster care services. Read more here. Education Bills to Be Heard by the Senate on Monday, 1/22 at 1:30 p.m. SB24 - Ordered Engrossed Student possession and use of sunscreen. SB354 - Ordered Engrossed Freeway school corporations and schools. SB8 - Passed School curriculum. Requires each school corporation, charter school, and accredited nonpublic elementary school to include cursive writing in its curriculum. SB143 - Ordered Engrossed Study of student performance grades. SB189 - Passed K-12 funding. Provides that the budget agency shall transfer from the state tuition reserve account to the state general fund the amount necessary to offset a reduction in state tuition support if: (1) basic tuition support has been reduced because the amount of choice scholarships exceeds the estimated amount prepared by the legislative services agency and provided to members of the general assembly before May 1 of the most recent odd-numbered year; or (2) basic tuition support has been reduced because the average daily membership (ADM), the special education student count, or the career and technical education student count exceeds the estimated count prepared by the legislative services agency and provided to members of the general assembly before May 1 of the most recent odd-numbered year. (Under current law, the budget agency may make such a transfer if basic tuition support has been reduced because the amount of choice scholarships exceeds the estimated amount.) Provides that the amount of the transfer for a state fiscal year is equal to the lesser of: (1) the amount of reductions in state tuition support that result because the amount of choice scholarships or the pupil counts exceed the estimated amount; or (2) $25,000,000. TUESDAY Education Bills to Be Heard by the House Education Committee on Tuesday, 1/23 at 8:30 a.m. HB1398 - amend do pass, adopted Coalition of school corporations. HB1420 - not heard Various education matters. HB1426 - amend do pass, adopted Education matters. Requires the state board of education (state board) to establish one Indiana diploma for individuals who successfully complete high school graduation requirements. (Current law establishes four different diplomas.) Provides that each Indiana diploma must include one of the following designations: (1) General designation. (2) Core 40 designation. (3) Core 40 with academic honors designation. (4) Core 40 with technical honors designation. Requires, in adopting Core 40 curriculum models, the state board to consider math course requirements other than Algebra II. Allows the state board to adopt rules to establish: (1) math course requirements; and (2) science course requirements; for the Core 40 curriculum models. Makes conforming changes. Repeals provisions that: (1) require the state board to design a high school diploma for the high school fast track program; and (2) establish a subcommittee to make recommendations regarding diplomas and certain course requirements and develop the requirements for a career and technical education diploma. Provides that a nationally recognized college entrance exam shall be administered as part of the statewide assessment program for high school students. Eliminates the requirement of end of course assessments to be administered as part of the statewide assessment program. Resolves a conflict in a provision that requires the state board to develop guidelines to assist secondary schools to identify students likely to require remediation. Eliminates a requirement that a student must take a college and career readiness examination if the student is identified under the guidelines developed by the state board to likely be in need of remediation. Provides that certain statewide assessments must use a scale score that will ensure the statewide assessment scores are comparable to assessment scoring used as part of the ISTEP program, before its expiration. Provides that the state board may approve a local graduation pathway. Establishes the local graduation pathway fund (fund). Provides that the state board may award development grants from the fund for proposed local graduation pathways. Read more here. Education Bills to Be Heard by the Senate on Tuesday, 1/23 at 1:30 p.m. SB24 - Passed Student possession and use of sunscreen. Provides that a student may possess and use a topical, non-aerosol sunscreen product while on school property or at a school sponsored event or activity without being required to: (1) have a physician's note or prescription; or (2) store the topical, non-aerosol sunscreen product in a specific location; if the product is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration for over-the-counter use for the purpose of limiting ultraviolet light-induced skin damage. Allows school personnel to assist a student in applying the sunscreen if the school has written permission from the student's parent or guardian. Provides certain civil immunity for school corporations, schools, and school personnel for any action taken to comply with the sunscreen provisions. SB143 - Passed Study of student performance grades. Requires the department of education (department) and the commission for higher education (commission) to study and submit a report describing as to whether there is any disparity in determining enrollment eligibility in a state educational institution or educational program offered by the state educational institution that is caused by the use of different grading scales by public secondary schools. Requires the department and commission to submit the report to the general assembly. Requires a public secondary school to submit certain information to the department regarding the calculation of a public secondary student's grade. Requires a state educational institution to submit certain information to the commission regarding the use of a public secondary student's grade point average for determining enrollment eligibility. SB354 - Passed Freeway school corporations and schools. Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall, upon request by a freeway school corporation or a freeway school, waive certain educational benefit requirements for a period of not more than 36 months. Provides that the state board may not grant a waiver after January 1, 2019. Provides that a freeway school corporation or freeway school may receive a waiver for that freeway school corporation or freeway school only one time. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying the accreditation of elementary and high schools in Indiana. Education Bills to Be Heard by the House on Tuesday, 1/23 at 1:30 p.m. HB1024 - amended, ordered engrossed Heat preparedness training for coaches. HB1314 - Amend, do pass Students receiving foster care services. WEDNESDAY Education Bills to Be Heard by the Senate Education and Career Development Committee on Wednesday, 1/24 at 1:30 p.m. SB65 - DO PASS Instruction on human sexuality. Requires each school corporation to make available for inspection to a parent of a student instructional material used in connection with instruction on human sexuality. Prohibits a school from providing a student with instruction on human sexuality unless the parent of the student or the student (if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor) consents to the instruction. Establishes requirements regarding the consent form. Requires the department of education and the governing body of a school corporation to give parents and students notice of these requirements. SB157 - DO PASS Real world career readiness program. Establishes the real world career readiness program (program). Provides that the state board of education (state board) shall establish the program to provide a real world career readiness student with career and technical education credentials necessary to transition from school to the workforce. Provides that the state board, in consultation with the department of workforce development, may create an authorized program, or approve high or moderate value career and technical education programs administered by one or more school corporations or charter schools. Provides that a real world career readiness student may attend an authorized program for a period of not more than one school year after the student's cohort's expected graduation year in order to obtain an industry recognized certification, credential, or postsecondary degree. Provides that a program must include an apprenticeship program, a cooperative program, or a work based learning program. Provides that a student may participate in an authorized program if the student: (1) participates in the Indiana career explorer program or curriculum or an alternative Internet based system and curriculum approved by the department of education, in consultation with the department of workforce development, that includes an aptitude assessment that demonstrates the student's aptitude, in a manner prescribed by the state board, on the aptitude assessment administered for the applicable field of study; or (2) meets alternative qualification requirements for the student's applicable field of study established by the state board in consultation with the department of workforce development. Provides that not later than July 1, 2019, each school corporation or charter high school, either solely, or in a cooperative or consortia with one or more school corporations or charter high schools, must participate in an authorized program beginning with a cohort with an expected graduation year of 2023. Provides that an eligible pupil, for purposes of calculating state tuition support, includes a student enrolled in a program. SB205 - DO PASS School choice scholarships. Provides that, if an eligible choice scholarship student (student) leaves an eligible school during the school year and transfers during the same school year to a different eligible school that has a choice scholarship available for that eligible school, the student may use the amount remaining of the choice scholarship awarded to the student for that school year to pay the tuition at the eligible school to which the student has transferred for the remainder of the school year. Provides that the student may not use the amounts if the student has previously transferred eligible schools during that same school year. Provides that any amounts distributed may not exceed the cost of tuition at the eligible school to which the student transfers. SB217 - DO PASS AMEND Dyslexia. Requires the following: (1) A school multidisciplinary team must include information about dyslexia in a student's educational evaluation if the multidisciplinary team determines that the student is eligible to receive special education and related services and has or has characteristics of dyslexia. (2) Information about dyslexia must be: (A) discussed by the student's case conference committee if information about dyslexia is included in the student's education evaluation; and (B) included in the student's individualized education program if the case conference committee determines that the information should be included. Requires school corporations and charter schools to screen: (1) each student in kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2; and (2) certain other students. Establishes requirements regarding dyslexia screenings, notifications to parents, and dyslexia intervention services (including instructional approaches). Requires school corporations and charter schools to: (1) use the response to intervention process to address needs of students who are determined to have characteristics of dyslexia; and (2) obtain parental consent before administering a level I dyslexia screening or a level II dyslexia screening. Allows a student's parent to elect to have an independent comprehensive dyslexia evaluation of the student. Requires school corporations and charter schools to report annually to the department of education (department) regarding the number of students who were: (1) administered the initial dyslexia screening during the school year; and (2) determined to be at risk, or at some risk, for dyslexia. Requires a school corporation and charter school to report on the school corporation's or charter school's Internet web site certain information regarding dyslexia. Requires, not later than July 1, 2019, the department to employ at least three dyslexia specialists. Establishes the: (1) requirements for a dyslexia specialist; and (2) services the dyslexia specialist is required to provide. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, each school corporation and charter school to employ at least one individual to serve as a dyslexia interventionist for the school corporation or charter school. Requires, not later than the 2019-2020 school year, the department to ensure that each teacher receives professional awareness information on dyslexia. Requires the department to develop and update an Indiana dyslexia resource guide. SB297 - DO PASS AMEND Employability skills curriculum. Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, each school within a school corporation shall include interdisciplinary employability skills standards established by the department of workforce development, in consultation with the department of education and approved by the state board of education, in the school's curriculum. Establishes the work ethic certificate program (program) and fund. Requires the department of workforce development to administer the program. SB303 - DO PASS AMEND Various education matters. Amends dates for the following: (1) The submission of reports regarding the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in an alternative education program. (2) Student enrollment and attendance and grant distributions regarding alternative education program grants. (3) A school corporation's count of pupils in homebound programs. (4) The submission of reports to the department of education (department) concerning scholarships awarded by a scholarship granting organization in the previous school year. Requires the state board of education, in collaboration with the commission for higher education, to establish a uniform online system of certain staff performance evaluation data. Amends requirements and defines "appropriate vehicle" with regard to the types of vehicles a school corporation may use to transport homeless students to a school of origin. Provides that the same requirements apply to the transport of students in foster care to a school of origin. Requires that a contract entered into by a teacher and a school corporation must contain the minimum number of hours per day the teacher is expected to work. (Current law requires that a contract entered into by a teacher and a school corporation include the number of hours per day the teacher is expected to work.) Amends the conditions that must apply for an original school corporation and a transitional school corporation to be required to enter into an agreement concerning the responsibility for and apportionment of the costs of transporting a foster student to and from a school of origin. Provides that, to drive a school bus, an individual must have a depth perception of at least 80% or 48 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis. (Current law requires an individual to have a depth perception of at least 80% or 33 seconds of arc or less angle of stereopsis.) Removes a provision that requires school corporations to conduct an additional cumulative count of pupils in homebound programs for informational purposes. SB434 - DO PASS Study committee. Urges the legislative council to assign to the education interim study committee the task of studying: (1) the current regulatory framework and methods to streamline regulatory compliance; and (2) the use of innovative solutions and public-private partnerships in delivering educational services and sharing of best practices. Read more here. Education Bills to Be Heard by the House Ways & Means Committee on Wednesday, 1/24 at 1:30 p.m. HB1315 - PASS School financial management. Allows the distressed unit appeal board (DUAB) to delegate board authority and responsibilities to the executive director by resolution of the board. Permits only the emergency manager to petition the DUAB to terminate a political subdivision's distressed status. Allows the DUAB to adopt rules. Requires the attorney general to represent a member of the fiscal management board, an emergency manager, a chief financial officer, or a chief academic officer if the individual requests the representation. Specifies restrictions on school corporations that are designated distressed. Specifies that waivers regarding the allocation of protected taxes apply only to distressed school corporations. Makes changes concerning the Gary Community School Corporation and its operation. Removes the laws concerning the Muncie Community Schools being a fiscally impaired school corporation. Permits the DUAB to recommend to the state board of finance that the state board of finance make an interest free loan to the Muncie Community Schools. Requires the DUAB to make a request for information on whether a state educational institution, educational organization, or other community group has an interest in partnering with the Muncie Community Schools. Allows state educational institutions to establish one or more laboratory schools within a school district or establish a laboratory school district by agreement with a school corporation. Allows the state educational institution to use property of the school corporation for a laboratory school. Requires the management performance hub (MPH) to determine the fiscal and qualitative indicators to be used in analyzing the financial condition of school corporations. Specifies certain factors that must be used. Requires the MPH to determine the financial condition of each school corporation. Requires the MPH to present the information on its Internet web site. Sets minimum standards for presenting the information. Permits the DUAB to enter into an agreement with a school corporation showing fiscal distress to establish a corrective action plan. Requires the DUAB to create a watch list of school corporations that show fiscal distress. Allows the DUAB to revoke or suspend a superintendent's license if a school corporation remains on the watch list for four consecutive years. Establishes the fiscal and qualitative indicators committee (committee) to make the initial determination of factors to be used for evaluating the financial condition of each school, the initial determination of the information to be presented by the MPH, and the initial determination of the frequency for updating the indicators, information, and presentation. Expires the committee on June 30, 2019. Requires various reports. THURSDAY Education Bills to Be Heard by the House Education Committee on Thursday, 1/25 at 8:30 a.m. HB1016 - DO PASS Yeas: 9; Nays: 2; (Voted on 01/25) Student journalism. Provides freedom of speech and freedom of press protections for grades 7 through 12 and state educational institution student journalists. Requires each school corporation and charter school to adopt a policy concerning student journalist protections. Requires a student media adviser to, each school year, supervise student journalists in grades 7 through 12 in the creation of certain school sponsored media policies. Provides that a public school or school corporation may not suppress school sponsored media unless certain conditions apply. Provides that public schools, school corporations, and state educational institutions are immune from civil liability for any injury resulting from school sponsored media produced by a student journalist, except for acts or omissions that constitute gross negligence or willful, wanton, or intentional misconduct. HB1165 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 9; Nays: 0; (Voted on 01/25) School buses. Establishes the school bus safety equipment grant fund (fund), administered by the department of education, to provide grants to school corporations seeking to purchase or equip school buses and special purpose buses with 3-point lap and shoulder safety belts or, if recommended by the state school bus committee, other proven safety equipment. Provides that a governing body may apply for a grant from the fund in an amount equal to 50% of the cost of purchasing or equipping a school bus or special purpose bus with 3-point lap and shoulder safety belts or other safety equipment. Requires a governing body seeking to purchase a school bus or special purpose bus to request information concerning the cost of purchasing a school bus or special purpose bus equipped with 3-point lap and shoulder safety belts. Requires the governing body to hold a public hearing on the costs and benefits of purchasing a school bus or special purpose bus with 3-point lap and shoulder safety belts before voting on whether to purchase a school bus or special purpose bus equipped with 3-point lap and shoulder safety belts. Allows a school corporation to use a portion of a grant from the safe schools fund or the secured school fund toward purchase or equipping school buses and special purpose buses with safety equipment. Requires each occupant of a school bus or special purpose bus that has a 3-point lap and shoulder safety belt to have the 3-point lap and shoulder safety belt properly fastened about the occupant's body at all times when the bus is in motion. Provides for an exception to the laws concerning other types of passenger restraint systems. Makes an appropriation. HB1399 - DO PASS AMEND Yeas: 10; Nays: 0; (Voted on 01/25) Elementary school teacher content area licenses. Provides that, not later than July 1, 2019, the state board of education shall adopt rules to establish one or more elementary school teacher content area licenses that must, at a minimum, include an: (1) elementary mathematics specialist license; and (2) elementary mathematics and science teacher license. Establishes requirements to be eligible for an elementary mathematics specialist license and an elementary mathematics and science teacher license. HB1420 - In Committee Various education matters. Makes changes relating to how parents of students are nominated and approved to be members of the commission on seclusion and restraint in schools. Provides that a student with special needs who has a service plan or a choice scholarship education plan may be admitted to the Indiana School for the Deaf. Provides that a student who is withdrawn from enrollment from a virtual charter school for failure to participate in courses pursuant to the school's student engagement policy may not reenroll in that same virtual charter school for the school year in which the student is withdrawn. Defines "education records". Requires an organizer of a charter school that is closing for any reason to establish a charter school closure protocol that explains to a parent of a student enrolled in the charter school the procedure that the charter school uses to transfer a student's education records to: (1) a new school in which the parent plans to enroll the student; (2) the student's school of legal settlement (if the parent does not know in which school the parent plans to enroll the student and the parent provides consent for the disclosure); and (3) the department of education. Repeals a provision concerning the transfer of student records. Makes conforming amendments. Resolves a conflict between P.L.217-2017 and P.L.250-2017. Read more here. Education Bills to Be Heard by the House on Thursday, 1/25 at 10:00 a.m. HB1024 - Passed (Senator Sponsor is Kruse) Heat preparedness training for coaches. Provides that head coaches and assistant coaches who coach interscholastic sports or intramural sports must complete a certified coaching education course that includes content for prevention of or response to heat related medical issues that may arise from a student athlete's training. HB1167 - Second reading: ordered engrossed School corporation financial management. Provides that a school corporation's rainy day fund may be used to pay for teacher bonuses and stipends. Permits money in a school corporation's operations fund at the end of a year to be transferred to the school corporation's rainy day fund. Combines various levies into a single operations fund levy beginning in 2019. Changes provisions concerning the education fund and operations fund. Specifies the items to be included in a school corporation's capital projects plan. Changes the reasons for which a school corporation may appeal to increase the school corporation's operations fund levy for transportation purposes. Requires an appeal to increase or a petition to adjust the maximum operations fund levy for a year to be filed before October 20 of the preceding year. Resolves conflicts among various 2017 acts that take effect before the education funding and accounting changes made by HEA 1009-2017. Make technical changes. HB1314 - second reading: amended, ordered engrossed Students receiving foster care services. Requires the department of education (department) to, in collaboration with the department of child services and the state board of education, prepare a report on foster care youth educational outcomes. Requires the department to, before November 1, 2018, and before November 1 each year thereafter, submit the report to the department of child services and legislative council. Requires the department to: (1) identify each student who attends a public school and is placed in foster care; and (2) provide notice to a principal of a public school when either of the following occur: (A) A student attending the public school is placed in foster care. (B) A student in foster care enrolls in the public school. Requires certain information regarding students receiving foster care to be included in a school corporation's annual performance report. Requires the department of child services to, not later than 10 days after a child who attends public school is placed in foster care, notify the department that the child has been placed in foster care. HB1398 - On schedule for Monday hearing Coalition of school corporations. Provides that the state board of education may approve a coalition of continuous improvement school districts (coalition). Provides that certain statutes or rules may be suspended for a coalition member. Errors, corrections, comments? Contact us here. Please consider becoming a member! Join here. Compiled by Meghann Goetz and Keri Miksza Comments are closed.
September 2024