Did you know that Martinsville School District currently has only one certified librarian for the entire district? Did you know that even though Martinsville gets more funding per student every year, it is still losing money because it is losing students. And did you you know that at least half of the districts in Morgan County advertise for students? We at ICPE see these as problems. Problems caused by our elected officials that need to be fixed. This week we've been invited to hang at the booth for the Morgan County Democratic Party. Please note that we are non-partisan but will take any chance we can get to spread the word about the state of public education in Indiana. Don't dismiss us if you are not a Democrat. Public schools educate all. Come and see us and see the data we gathered illustrating how much money public school districts in Morgan County are losing and how much money voucher schools are gaining. This is courtesy our elected officials. Didn't see us at the fair? Attached is our data. Friends in Morgan County, please join ICPE. Both Monroe and the Indianapolis-based ICPE will accept new members no matter what county you are from. Looking to form Morgan County ICPE? Reach out to us. We can help set you up. Comments are closed.
September 2024