Many bills pertaining to K-12 education have been filed for the short legislative session this winter/spring. The session got off to a start on January 3 and concludes on March 14. At this point, all bills have been filed. Now it's off to the races. Which bills will receive a hearing in the committees to which they have been assigned? Which bills will make it through committee? Which bills will become law?
Public awareness of potential legislation has an impact. Once we know which bills to cheer and which bills to fear, we can raise awareness by talking with friends, educators, and other stakeholders. We can contact our local reporters and write letters to the editor. We can call our state senators and representatives. We can call the chairs and members of committees to let them know how we, their constituents, want them to vote. But first, we have to know what is actually being considered. For that, we can rely in part on the reporting from the statehouse. However, we can also ourselves read the descriptions of the bills in one handy-dandy place on our web site. The list is too long to include in this post, so we have made it available through the link below. Click here to read a summary of the bills that have been filed. And please, please, let us know what you think. There's a lot here to wade through. Please draw our attention to anything you think merits wider discussion. You can comment here or post on our Facebook page. Once we identify bills to follow, the Indiana General Assembly web site is a great resource for information and bill status. 2018 Short Session: Bills Related to K-12 Education P.S. The bill list was updated on 1-12-2018. Comments are closed.
September 2024